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Twenty-four Clark County Men Inducted Today Twenty-four Clark county men left today from Neillsville for Minneapolis to be inducted into the service.

Fifty county selectees also left for preinduction physical examiniations.

These men are expected to return on Friday.

Speed Limits Change The oldest form of regulation of motor vehicle traffic was the limitation on speed. At one time vehicles were linited to 15 m.p.h. on the open road and 2 m.p.h. in urban and congested areas. Most states which have enacted a speed limit also have enacted a lower speed for heavier vehicles based on tonnage.

Other states have no maximum limit but do have a limit of about 25 m.p.h. as the slowest speed allowed on open roads. In such states arrests may be made for reckless driving at any speed from 5 to 90 m.p.h.

Bread to Clean Walls Soft stale bread can be used for cleaning the dirt from soiled wall paper. The crust is cut away, and a fresh part of the loaf used as fast as the bread soils. Rub over the wall in long, even, vertical strokes without pressing too hard.

Egg Output High Egg production on Wisconsin farms in December hit a new high for the month, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture.

A sharp slump in egg prices occurred since November.

THE TRIBUNE-P HONOGRAPH PUBLISHED IN C OLBY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1972 ABS holds Colby meeting American Breeders Service recently held an A. I. Management school in Colby. ABS, based in DeForest, Wis. has now trained over 18,000 people to inseminate cattle.

These schools cover all phases of a successful A. I. program and are geared to put the “Man” into “Management.”

Colby Auxiliary resumes fish fries The Huber-Schmidt-Bruesewitz-Decker Auxillary to Post 2227 of Colby will again be conducting their annual Fish fries at the VFW Clubhouse.

Starting time will be Friday night, January 28th at 5 p.m.

Take our orders are available.

The prices are large orders $1.25 and small orders 75¢.

Goodwill pickup starts Saturday The Good Will Pick-up at the Methodist Church in Colby will be Feb. 1. The back door of the church will be left unlocked from Saturday until noon on Tuesday. It is requested that nothing be left at the church after Tuesday noon. Items such as glass jars or tin cans cannot be used by the organization. Mrs.

Harvey Meacham may be called for more information.

Hawaiian Tour is being planned A tour to Hawaii is being planned for Country Homemakers and senior Citizens or anyone interested for the first two weeks of April. The tour will include stopping in Calif. and it is planned to visit such places as Hollywood, Farmers Market and Disneyland.

Here are three different breathing mechanisms - all provided with March of Dimes funds - which assist polio patients at the Sountwestern Poliomyelitis Respiratory Center in Houston, Texas.