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Consider food allergies when planning the menu

Consider food allergies when  planning the menu Consider food allergies when  planning the menu

G uests will remember many aspects of a special event. For guests who have food allergies or require specialized diets, dinner can be memorable for all the wrong reasons. But it doesn’t have to be.

Even though events are all about the host’s wants and needs, special attention should be placed on ensuring guests’ comfort. Individuals with allergies and dietary restrictions warrant extra caution. Any food can cause an allergic reaction, but eight types in particular, often referred to as the “Big 8,” are responsible for the greatest numbers of adverse reactions.

Milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy, comprise the Big 8. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Food Allergy Research and Resource Program, says the Big 8 accounts for about 90 percent of all food allergies in the United States.

Event planners need to recognize the likelihood that at least one person at the happening will have a specialized food need. Most people with dietary restrictions will be very understanding that eating out is a challenge, especially at somewhere without a formal menu. But, couples can take steps to ensure that guests with food allergies don’t go hungry.

• Ask about allergies on the invitation/ response card. Some request that guests choose their food preferences by RSVPs. Include a spot where guests can mention serious food allergies.

• Choose a caterer very carefully.

Caterers are increasingly adapting to common food restrictions. Express specific food avoidances or what is to be included, and find a caterer who specializes in this type of cooking.

• Offer allergen-free appetizers. Customized bite-sized hors d’oeuvres can be served, to allow for easier customization. This gives guests with allergies the ability to pick and choose their pre-entrée bites.

• Label foods and let guests with severe allergies dine first. Buffets should be clearly labeled, so those with allergies can avoid certain foods.

Also, those with severe food allergies should have first shot at the buffet, to limit cross-contamination from serving utensils.

• Create separate meals. A caterer may be able to make separate meals for certain guests, particularly if they have advanced notice.

• Don’t forget desserts and drinks.

Allergens can be included in drinks and desserts, as well. Offer gluten-free desserts and glutenfree beer, as well. Dietary restrictions are another factor that one must consider when planning events.

1. Milk 2. Eggs 3. Fish 4. Shellfish 5. Tree Nuts 6. Peanuts 7. Wheat 8. Soy