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Says Heller cartoon downplayed assassination attempt

Says Heller cartoon downplayed assassination attempt Says Heller cartoon downplayed assassination attempt

First let me say I am pleased that The Star News, in their editorial entitled 'America Must Stand United,” called the incident with Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13 exactly what it was. That is, an assassination attempt. The Webster dictionary uses the words, 'often for political reasons' as a part of its definition of assassinate. There can be no doubt this heinous act was politically motivated. However, many main stream media news outlets under reported the incident by saying popping noises were heard at a Trump campaign event.

But here is where I think The Star News deserves a trip to the wood shed. It was the long stated policy of The Star News to, 'Put in place a moratorium on editorials and letters that would further inflame partisan rancor and ill-will.' Notice this disclaimer has now disappeared. Perhaps The Star News no longer finds its policy 'magically delicious'.

What we have instead is the disgusting editorial cartoon by dependably liberal Joe Heller downplaying the Trump assassination attempt as, 'Trump Shot In The Ear.” That comment grossly understates the severity of the incident. In the end, we come back to the usual liberal bleating about softening the political discourse and coming together which is merely a remorseless distraction to the seriousness of the incident that happened.

The other item of disgust is the Vox Pop entitled, 'We Are Never Free From the Consequences of What We Say.' Bob Dylan famously sang, 'You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows'. This Vox Pop was another screed directed at Donald Trump. Again, so much for putting a moratorium on inflaming partisan rancor and ill-will. You can easily draw a straight line from inflammatory media content to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Numerous media outlets, celebrities, and politicians have been making outright false and inflammatory statements about Donald Trump since he first ran for President in 2015. Need I remind The Star News of the cover of the June 2024 edition of The New Republic magazine which juxtaposed a picture of Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler.

Trust me, things in the country could have gone south very quickly had the assassin been successful. I firmly believe it was the hand of God that saved Donald Trump — Bryan Bormann, Medford