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Garbage belongs at some place other than memorial

Garbage belongs at some place other than memorial Garbage belongs at some place other than memorial

By Ginna Young

People have been very generous with depositing aluminum cans at the Holcombe Area Veterans Memorial, but not all have stopped with just the cans. When the cans are collected from the cage at the memorial site, the volunteers then have to go through the bags, to make sure it is in fact just cans.

Lately, there’s also been an influx of garbage in with the aluminum, including half empty paint cans, which is not only unsanitary and messy for the volunteers to clean up, but also time consuming.

“We were overwhelmed with it,” said committee chair Jim Mataczysnki, after the last meeting July 18. “Thank you for your donation, but please respect the people working on this.”

He also reported that the cement in the circle is cracking in places, so the group wants to get it taken care of before fall and to prevent ice from expanding the cracks even more. It was agreed to reach out to Tucker Hetchler, to see what can be done.

“It really doesn’t matter what it’s going to cost, it’s going to have to be done,” said Mataczynski.

Also noted, was that word came back from the RCU Foundation, that they insist their donation plaque be placed in the inner sanctuary, but none of those present at the meeting thought that placement was the best. They went over the contract that was agreed upon, in exchange for a $50,000 donation, and found that it simply states that the plaque be stationed near the sanctuary.

Mataczynski intends to meet with the president of the foundation and see what can be done, as the site is supposed to be about veterans, not advertisements and most certainly leaves out all other donors.

“Where are their plaques going to go?” asked Mataczynski.