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Phil Tallman to serve as Gilman interim principal

Phil Tallman will serve as the interim principal for the Gilman School District.

Tallman has taught first grade in Gilman for the last 3 years. Previously, he worked as a Dean of Students and Athletic Director as well as a classroom teacher in grades K-3. This year will be his 28th year in education.

Tallman lives in Holcombe with his wife and 3 children and in his free time enjoys sports and the outdoors.

“I am excited for the opportunity to lead in the District as Interim Principal. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time meeting parents, staff and students during the past 3 years. I am proud of the relationships I have made and am looking with excitement on creating new ones. This is a chance to continue to work with the wonderful Gilman Community and the students and staff within the District in a new role. I look forward to the challenge that lies ahead and helping make Gilman the best District it can be,” Tallman stated in a letter to the Gilman School Board.

He said his main focus at the start of the school year will be creating relationships with students and staff.

“I am excited to help and coach elementary staff on the implementation of our new language arts curriculum CKLA. Student expectations will be a focus of mine in the middle/high school. Cell phones and tardies will be priority expectations in this area,” he stated.

Tallman’s appointment as interim principal is for the 2024-2025 school year.

In addition to the interim principal, other personnel action at Monday’s meeting included the creation of two internships for the first semester.

According to Superintendent Walter Leipart, districts are able to have new teachers who have not done student teaching in teaching positions as interns where they teach 50% of the day and observe the other 50%.

The interns will fill a teaching spot in the first grade created with Tallman going to interim principal and the third grade with the one-year need for it to be split into two sections.

In other action, board members:

★ Received financial projections for this year and for the 2025-2026 school years both showing the district is on pace for balanced budgets.

★ Adopted the state’s model academic standards which is required by law.

★ Reviewed the handbooks for students and parents and staff. According to Leipart there were no significant changes in procedures. However, there was an increased emphasis on cellphones. The district does not allow cellphone use during instructional times, but use is allowed during lunch and passing times. In addition, the district will be doing a study this fall to look at longterm objectives for cellphones in the district.

Leipart said they will be getting parents, students, staff and business people involved in the study committee with the goal of having a new policy regarding cellphones in the school in place by the second semester.

★ Put out for bids employee health and dental insurance. The renewal rate came in with an increase of 22%, which the board felt was too high and wanted to see what the marketplace had to offer.