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Responds to Donna Rozar’s letter about state supreme court

Responds to Donna Rozar’s letter about state supreme court Responds to Donna Rozar’s letter about state supreme court

In regard to Donna Rozar’s letter in June 2024.

From the second edition of Webster’s All-in-One Dictionary and Thesaurus: Nefarious - very wicked or bad, black, evil, immoral, iniquitous, rotten, sinful, vicious, unethical, unsavory, vile, villainous, wicked, wrong.

Donna appears to be angry the liberals now control the State Supreme Court. She neglects the fact that the state voters, one person, one vote at a time elect the state supreme court judges as our state constitution dictates.

This is exactly how our last State Supreme Court judge obtained the position, by fair statewide voting with no gerrymandering.

She worries Act 10, passed in 2011, will eventually come before the liberal court and all or parts may be declared unlawful. She never mentions the checks and balances built into our state government. This is the duty of the State Supreme Court to judge the legality of the laws and actions taken by others to prevent nefarious powers.

She writes toward the end of her letter “Our government at all levels should work for the people who elected them, not special nefarious motives.”

I don’t believe any who are reading this can disagree with the statement. It speaks for itself.

Yet, she fails to mention the law passed in 2011 for legislative districts by a conservative Republican legislature and signed into law by a conservative Republican governor.

The law made the state of Wisconsin to be considered one of the most if not the most gerrymandered state in all of the United States.

The districts effectively took away fair and just representation from many thousands of voters. These extremely gerrymandered districts ensured the state legislature remained under control of one political party for years.

It strongly appears there were very nefarious and wicked motives with those gerrymandered districts. I can also very much agree no court or judge, federal, state or county, at any time, at any level, should become a “super legislature” or part of one. We all depend upon the judges merit, integrity, character, honor, and virtue which we the voters of this state decide upon during our state court elections. I will trust the many before I trust the few.

Donna fears the current state court of four liberals and three conservatives may become a “super legislature.” She fails to mention our federal Supreme Court, which makes decisions that effect all citizens across the nation regardless of state court decisions, how it became a court of six conservatives and three liberals.

This current Supreme Court was accomplished by actions of conservatives at the federal level, actions that can be easily thought of and considered nefarious and unethical.

Donna cries of the $10 million which flooded the last state supreme court election favor of the candidate who won the election.

She fails to mention the Citizens United case brought before the Federal Supreme Court years ago. The court made the decision which made it legal for ultra wealthy corporations, com panies, organizations, institutions and individuals to donate untold amounts of money (millions of dollars) to any election, for any political party, position or cause, large or small at any time across any state lines.

Considering the ruling of Citizens United should we not think “What is good for the goose is good for the gander.”

I’m sure, very sure, the voters, the many, intend to prevent, to ensure there are no “nefarious motives” when it concerns state judges.

As for partisan division, all politicians should look into a mirror and see the cause.

Trust our system in place, it has worked for years. Trust our democracy.

— Walter Tomczyk, Dorchester