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Curtiss Corners Quilt Club meets

Curtiss Corners Quilt Club met on June 17 in Curtiss Community Center. Club member Sue demonstrated making several styles of fabric bookmarks.

Set your calendar for the August Quilt Show, Aug. 3 at Curtiss Community Center. Events include quilts on display, demonstrations (T-shirt quilts, historical narrative of Quilt Club, slow stitching, binding basics, presentation of a community service project and crafting with Carol), craft sale, community service display, vendors and lunch. Learn from a sewing machine repair person how to clean and maintain your sewing machine.

The quilt show theme for 2024 is “Teddy Bears and Foster Care,” in recognition of the club’s community service project. Club members have been busy the past year making quilts for the Clark County Foster Care program and are partnering with Stanley Correctional Institution’s SCOPES program to include a teddy bear or stuffed critter with each quilt.

Next Sew Day is July 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Curtiss Community Center. Text or call 262-497-4780 if you are interested or would like more details. All quilters are welcome.

Monthly Tip: Pressing Seams. Once you have sewn accurate quarter-inch seams, iron the fabric in the way the pattern calls for and press as you go. Pressing is achieved by moving the iron up and down on the fabric rather than ironing, which moves the iron back and forth across the fabric. Ironing can stretch the fabric and cause the shape to become distorted.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. People are invited to visit with quilt members and see the club’s display at the Owen Junior Fair on July 13, or attend the next meeting on July 15 at 6:45 p.m. at Curtiss Community Center.