State Sen. Jerry Petrowski announces he will not seek reelection in the fall
As session comes to a close, State Senator Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) announced today that he will not seek reelection in the State Senate. He was elected to the State Assembly in 1998 and to the State Senate in 2012. The Senator released the following statement regarding his decision:
“I represent 91 towns, 26 villages, seven cities, and portions of 31 school districts – all across six counties. It is a sizable district and takes over 4 ½ hours to drive from one end to the other.
While I have enjoyed my time in both the Assembly and the Senate, there are still so many things left that I want to accomplish. I look forward to the next chapter in my life and being able to spend more time with my wife, children, and grandchildren.
I want to thank the citizens of Northcentral Wisconsin for their trust and support throughout the years. I love this area of the state and the people that live here. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your State Senator and represent you in the legislature.
Together, we have worked to create jobs, balance the state budget and protect our taxpayers by making government live within its means and by finding ways to do more with less.”
Senator Jerry Petrowski authored over 160 bills that were signed into law during his tenure in office that focus on a wide range of topics, including: a constitutional amendment protecting the state’s Transportation fund; numerous bills protecting victims of domestic abuse, child abuse, human trafficking and harassment/stalking; supporting veterans with an outreach and recovery program; life-saving measures including screening babies for congenital heart defects and including CPR training in schools and for 911 dispatchers; rewriting of the entire regulatory structure around use of farm equipment on Wisconsin roads; providing $5 million for Northcentral Health Care to address mental health reform; addressing the heroin epidemic afflicting our local communities; increasing support for K-12, Technical College and UW System education; designating ginseng as Wisconsin’s state herb; shielding taxpayers from Brokaw’s insolvency; and helping our local governments with flexibility.