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Police reports

Continued from page 7

The two officer met outside to discuss the suspect’s statements. The suspect stated that he had confronted his wife because he believed she was cheating since she was gone for four hours on Valentine’s Day. She had gotten mad at him for accusing her of cheating and started attacking him, and he tried to get away. He told the officer that his wife had attempted to bite him and swat at him, and he held her down on the bed to keep her from swinging at him. He said he was trying to get her off him and threw her to the side. He stated he bear-hugged her and tried to move her out of the way. He stated she was over dramatic and pretended to hit the door. He stated she laid on the ground “like I knocked her out or something.” He denied hitting his wife or doing anything physical against her, and said any marks on her were from him trying to get her off of him. The suspect spoke with the officer for several minutes, advising that his wife was unstable and crazy. The suspect claimed that she was never home and always starts things between them.

The suspect was placed under arrest for domestic disorderly conduct and battery. While transporting the suspect to jail, the officer was informed that the victim had accused the suspect of choking her while she was filling out the packet for domestic abuse. She said he had placed both hands around her neck, which had made it hard to breath for about 20 seconds. The second officer advised that they had observed circular marks on the victim that appeared to be blistered. Once they arrived at the jail, the officer informed the suspect that they were also under arrest for strangulation. The officer observed the suspect to have multiple scratches on his upper chest.

■ ■ Feb. 15 - An officer took a walk-in complaint from someone who said they needed a report done for their bank, as they had a few fraudulent transactions on their credit card. The complainant could not get a new card as they had already received three replacement cards within a year. The complainant provided a statement that showed the three transactions, totaling $317.93.