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man to the police department ….

man to the police department and asked him if he had a person that could come and pick him up. The man said he did not want to call his ex-girlfriend as he had problems with her and his children were all under the age of 14. The man was frustrated that the officers wanted to call his ex-girlfriend and wake up his kids.

The officer again asked where the man was traveling to and he stated he was heading to his son’s house who was 12 years old. The man confirmed that that was his ex-girlfriend’s house. The officer asked the man why he was going to his ex-girlfriend’s house in the middle of the night if he had issues with her. The man said he was going to surprise his kids. The officer told the man his story did not make sense and he would not surprise his children while intoxicated and in the middle of the night. The officer attempted to gather the man’s exgirlfriend’s name but the man would not give it to the officers. The officer completed citations for operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration A Clark County Sheriff’s deputy transported the man to the Clark County Jail without incident.

n October 31 - An officer observed a vehicle traveling in the city of Abbotsford with no lights on after dark. The officer made a traffic stop and met with the driver who said he was borrowing the car and did not realize the lights were not on.

The officer ran the man’s information and was told he had a warrant through Clark County.

The officer placed the man under arrest for the warrant and subsequently deployed the K9 for a free air sniff of the vehicle. K9 Dodge alerted to the odor of narcotics coming from the vehicle. A search of the vehicle was done and nothing of evidentiary value was located. The vehicle was locked and the keys were given to the man. He was transported to the Clark County Jail without incident.

n November 2 - An officer met with a man who said he was hired to transport a vehicle from Illinois to Stanley. He said on Oct. 6, he was in Abbotsford and the trailer had broke down. The man said he had spoke to someone at Mid State in Abbotsford and was allowed to park the trailer which had the vehicle loaded on it. The man said he came on Nov. 2 to pick up the trailer and finish the transport and said it was gone but the trailer had a GPS tracker on it.

The man gave the officer a copy of the title for the trailer and a copy of the buyer receipt for the vehicle. The vehicle was registered to the man’s nephew and the man said his nephew was doing a rent to own on the vehicle.

The man said that when the trailer broke down, his nephew had stopped making payments on the trailer but the seller told them they had seven days to make payments a week before the complaint.

The officer called the trailer company and they said they had repossessed the trailer and gave the officer a phone number for the man to call.

The officer forwarded on the phone number to the man.

n November 2 - A man met with an officer about a complaint with two of his co-workers. The man said on Oct. 27, around 3 p.m., he was walking on a street in the city of Abbotsford. The man said a dark car came too close and nearly hit him as he was walking.

He then said he observed the same vehicle parked in front of the La Tropicana grocery store later that day. The man gave the officer the license plate for the vehicle but it was not associated with any registered vehicles. The man confronted the driver of the vehicle that nearly hit him and said the driver cussed at him and told him to shut up.

Two days later, the man was approached by the driver and another man in the parking lot of their work place. The complainant did not realize the driver was also employed at his place of work. The man said the driver threatened him and wanted him to get out of the car and fight. The complainant did not exit his vehicle and the driver left.

After they had left, the complainant met with his supervisor to report the threats made by the driver. Two days later, the complainant received a three-day suspension from work. The complainant said the driver had made false accusations about him to his supervisor and is unsure why his employer believed their story. The man wanted the incidents documented in case the driver continues to cause problems with the complainant. The officer informed the man any incidents that occur in Dorchester would have to be reported to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

n November 3 - An officer met with a man who said he noticed some concerning transactions on his past bank statement. There was a transaction for about $40,000 for a legitimate company that deals with different currencies along with crypto currencies. The man said that he immediately contacted his bank and disputed the charge. The man said that the bank was able to get the funds returned.

Shortly after, there was another money transfer to American Express for around $30,000. The man again contacted his bank and had meetings with their fraud department. The man was successful in getting the funds back and the bank changed his accounts as they felt he must have been hacked or someone had gained his account information. The man said that after the meeting, the bank advised him to report the incident to the police for documentation purposes. The man made mention that he was receiving emails from his bank’s customer service department and the emails included his account numbers in them. The man said he had contacted the bank whom advised him that they had not sent those emails to him and to not give any information or reply back.

n November 3 - A woman contacted the police department to report she had been harassed by an unknown person who resides in the same apartment complex. The woman said a note was put on the bulletin board in the common hallway of the apartment that was mean and hurt her feelings. The officer said he would meet at the apartment complex and view the note.

When at the complex, the officer observed a strongly worded letter that was posted on a board for others in the complex to see.

The woman asked the officer if he could take it to be fingerprinted. The officer informed the woman the crime lab would not process the note for fingerprints due to the nature of her complaint. The officer said he would document the incident and told the woman to contact the police if any more notes are posted.

n November 4 - An officer was traveling in the city of Colby when he observed a vehicle crossing over the center line with both passenger tires. The officer ran the registration plate and the registered owner came back as having no driver’s license issued.

The vehicle continued for a time with its left turn signal on and the officer initiated a traffic stop.

The officer made contact with the driver and could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. The man also had three other individuals in the vehicle. The officer asked the man if he had been drinking that night and the man said he had but he was on his way home. The man said he had four beers.

The officer ran the man through standardized field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test which came back with a result of 0.141.

The officer placed the man under arrest for operating while intoxicated, first offense and also completed a citation for operating without a valid driver’s license and was released to a responsible party.

n November 5 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment complex for a disturbance. Dispatch notified the officer that there was a woman outside of the residence that was knocking on the door and would not leave the residence after being told to leave. The officer arrived and asked the woman what was going on.

The woman said she arrived at the residence to visit some friends and no one has come to the door to let her in. The woman stated she had not gotten into an argument with anyone at the residence and would just like to be let in to visit.

The officer made contact with two individuals living inside of the residence who said the woman came to take some belongings back to her residence in Wausau. One of the individuals had said the woman and the other individual were dating and had just broken up. They said the woman had taken everything that was hers and there would be no other items other than a mattress that belonged to the woman.

One of the individuals said an argument ensued earlier in the day and they believed the woman had come to argue about that further that night. The officer told the woman to go home for the night and come back another time for the rest of her belongings and she did so.