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Law Enforcement

n September 22 - An officer was notified of a traffic complaint on Hwy 29. The vehicle in question was traveling eastbound and was swerving back and forth, almost striking other vehicles. The officer waited for the vehicle to enter the Colby-Abbotsford area and pulled out behind it.

The officer stated he clocked the driver going 75 mph in a 65 mph zone initially and then the vehicle slowed once the officer pulled out behind it. The officer followed the vehicle for a couple miles as it swerved back and forth and deviated from its lane multiple times.

The officer initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle near County Road F in Marathon County. The officer ran the license plate but was unable to get a return. The officer met with the driver who said everything was OK but it was really windy out so she was being blown around. The officer noted that there was a breeze but he and other motorists seemed to not be struggling.

The officer asked the driver for proof of insurance and registration. The woman said she did not have registration. She said she had applied for registration but thought the plates had been stolen or lost in the mail so she never received them.

The officer ran the VIN number on the car which came back without current registration or a license plate number. The woman said she was going to Wausau and had an appointment later that day. The woman denied drinking alcohol or having any drugs or guns inside the car.

The officer asked the woman if she had been using her phone that may have caused her driving behavior. The officer asked if she had used any drugs and she stated she had a prescription through Minnesota to use marijuana but she had not used it since the night prior. The woman agreed to perform field sobriety tests.

The officer noticed multiple indications during the tests that would lead him to believe she was intoxicated. The officer then administered a preliminary breath test which came back with a 0.00 result.

The officer placed her under arrest for operating while intoxicated. The woman refused a test of her blood and the officer pursued a warrant to obtain a blood draw. The officer transported the woman to a local hospital where a Marathon County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant met them with the approved warrant.

After the blood draw, the officer transported the woman to the Marathon County Jail and was issued a citation for operating while intoxicated (first offense).

n September 27 - An officer was dispatched to a residence in reference to a complaint in the City of Abbotsford.

The officer met with the man who called. He said he lived in Minnesota and had come to the address with his friend, an Abbotsford male. The Abbotsford man’s boyfriend also lives at the residence and the two had been visiting him.

The Minnesota man said he had woken up and noticed that the Abbotsford man’s boyfriend was gone and so was the Minnesota man’s vehicle. The Abbotsford man said that he saw his boyfriend leave with the vehicle around 2 a.m. that morning because he was going to get cigarettes.

The Abbotsford man said that his boyfriend had called again after that saying that he had filled up the Minnesota man’s vehicle with gas so they could make the trip back to Minnesota the next day. Both the Minnesota man and Abbotsford man were concerned that the boyfriend had not returned with the vehicle.

The Minnesota man said he had to work the next day so he needed his vehicle to go home. They said they tried calling the man but his phone went right to voice mail. They had tracked the man to the Kwik Trip area in Abbotsford but were not able to get any further updates.

The Minnesota man wished to not mark the vehicle as stolen because he did not want the driver to get in trouble.

A little while later, the man called the department asking if it had been found. The officer said it hadn’t and the man agreed to fill out a lack of consent form for the vehicle and reported it stolen.

n September 29 - An officer made contact with a woman who was complaining that she had received some threatening text messages from some unidentified females. The woman said the females stated via text message that they were going to beat her up. The woman also received a text that had a photo of her apartment as if the females were standing outside of her apartment.

On Sept. 29, the woman heard several door bell rings. The woman opened the door and saw a man standing outside along with another unidentified female. The woman stated she told the man to leave and never come back. The man called her an obscenity and left.

The woman requested the officer speak to the man and tell him to stop talking to her along with the unidentified females.

The officer said he would attempt to contact the man and told her to contact law enforcement if the issues continued.

September 30 - An officer was called to a bar in Abbotsford for a fight that was in progress. Upon arrival, the officer met with a group of individuals on the sidewalk in front of the bar.. One of the male individuals informed the officer he observed part of the altercation and called 911. The officer asked the man if the suspects left and he stated they did.

The officer observed another female individual walking towards him. The female stated she was coming to visit a friend who lived in an upper apartment near the bar. The woman informed the officer she was on the sidewalk when two females started to attack her.

The woman stated she knew the females who attacked her and said one of the girls used to be a classmate of hers. The female explained that she and one of her attackers do not have a good relationship together and that there were incidents involving both of them in school. The female stated her attacker was mad at her because she and her friends had “jumped” the attacker and her friends in the past.

The female stated when she was outside the duo came up to her when she was getting into a vehicle. The female said she was pulled out of the vehicle and the fight occurred.

The woman informed the officer that the attackers currently reside together in Athens.

The officer again spoke with a man who witnessed the fight, who advised he was in his upper apartment when he noticed the victim was involved in a fight outside. The man stated he went downstairs and attempted to break up the fight. He said when he came outside, he observed one of the attackers pulling the victim across the road by her hair.

The man grabbed the victim in an attempt to separate the two parties and was struck by one of the attackers in the process. He was not hurt and did not care that he was struck. After the fight was separated, the attackers left the area in their vehicle.

A short time later, the officer met with another witness who was driving behind the vehicle when the two attackers stopped to confront the victim. She said the driver was in such a hurry that she forgot to put the vehicle in park while it was in the middle of the roadway and the vehicle began rolling after she had gotten out. The witness said the woman jumped back in the vehicle and put it in park in the middle of the roadway before the fight ensued.

The officer also spoke with the school resource officer to gather information on one of the parties involved.

n September 30 - An officer was dispatched to a residence in Abbotsford for an argument about a vehicle. The officer met with a woman and man who were arguing about a vehicle the woman wanted to take. The man informed the officer that his daughter was the owner of the vehicle and she did not want the woman referenced in the argument driving it.

The woman stated she had made an agreement with the man’s daughter indicating that the vehicle was now in her possession. The officer noticed that the title for the vehicle had not been correctly filled out and asked the woman why she had not signed the document as the purchaser. The woman stated she was going to have her friend sign the title and register it so she would not have to install an ignition interlock device in the vehicle.

The officer performed a records check on the vehicle which indicated the man’s daughter was the last known owner of the vehicle. The officer left the scene after telling the woman to leave the vehicle where it was presently parked to prevent further issues.

Several hours later, the man called the department stating the truck was gone from its parked position. The officer located the truck and the woman whom he had spoken to earlier and asked her why she chose to remove the vehicle. The woman said she believed it was hers. The woman said someone had let the air out of the tires to prevent her from leaving. The officer observed the truck to be sitting on the rims and said he could not determine the owner of the truck due to the title not being filled out correctly.

The officer asked the woman to leave the truck on the side of the street to which she agreed.

The officer then made contact with the man’s daughter who said she did not want anything to do with the vehicle. The woman’s major concern was that the vehicle’s VIN was still in her name and she did not want to be held responsible if anything happened with the truck.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Department later informed that the vehicle was moved to Owen where a deputy had a similar issue with the involved parties. The deputy advised that the man’s daughter would be taking the woman to court regarding the ownership of the vehicle.

n October 1 - An officer was traveling in Abbotsford when he observed a vehicle going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. The officer activated his emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop.

The officer made contact with the driver who said he did not realize he was speeding. The officer asked for the man’s driver’s license and he handed over an ID. The man said he was coming from his house and was going to a bar to drink beer.

The officer noticed the man’s eyes were glossy and bloodshot during their interaction and observed the strong odor of intoxicants coming from inside the vehicle.

The officer returned to his squad car and conducted a records search of the man through the Wisconsin DOJ and Clark County Dispatch. The man did not turn up with any such record.

The officer then asked the man to perform standardized field sobriety tests to which the man agreed. The officer also administered a preliminary breath test which came back with a result of 0.146.

The officer transported the man to the police department and issued the man citations for exceeding speed zones (11-15 mph), operating without a valid license, operating while under the influence (first offense) and operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration.

The man was then picked up by a responsible party.

n October 2 - An officer was dispatched to an apartment in Abbotsford for a criminal damage complaint.

The officer met with a woman who told the officer that the entry door of her garage appeared to have damage done to it. The woman showed the officer the entry door to the garage which had what looked like pry marks on the frame near the latch portion of the door. The actual door also had damage from a pry tool.

The woman said she had been gone all weekend and the last time she had used the door was Sept. 29. The woman said she left on Friday but entered through the car garage door and did not use the personal door. The woman noticed the damage around 11 a.m. on Oct. 2.

A neighbor stated they did not see or hear anything suspicious.

The woman said she did not believe anyone had gained access to the apartment. The woman said she had been inside for hours and no one was inside. The officer told the woman to make sure nothing had been taken and let the department know what the damage to the doors would cost to fix.

n October 2 - An officer was traveling in Abbotsford when he pulled up behind a vehicle and ran the registration through the Wisconsin DOJ. The registration came back showing that the plate belonged to a different vehicle. The officer then initiated a traffic stop.

The officer met with the driver who said his other vehicle broke down so he put the plates on his new vehicle.

The officer asked the man for his driver’s license and asked where he was heading. The man said he was on his way from Curtiss to see his girlfriend in Abbotsford. While speaking with the man, the officer noticed the driver had bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. A strong odor of intoxicants was also noticeable from inside of the vehicle.

The officer asked how much the man had to drink and the man stated he had 5-6 beers. Another officer on-scene noticed an open beer bottle on the passenger side floor.

The officer conducted a records check of the man through ETIME and Clark County Dispatch. Dispatch said the man did not return with a driver’s license or traffic record. The officer then performed standardized field sobriety tests and preliminary breath test which came back with a result of 0.172.

The officer placed the man under arrest and later issued citations for displaying an unauthorized vehicle registration plate, operating without a valid license, operating while under the influence (first offense) and operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration. The man was then picked up by a responsible party at the police station.

n October 2 - An officer was dispatched to assist the Clark County Sheriff’s Office with a hit and run crash which occurred in Unity. The officer was advised that a Colby man left the scene of the crash and was possibly intoxicated.

The officer went to the man’s residence to see if he was home. Upon arrival, the officer noticed the vehicle matching the description of the crash vehicle in the driveway. The officer observed a male individual standing next to the open driver’s side door. The man was struggling to maintain his balance while urinating. The officer called out to the man and advised him of the reason for the visit.

The man stated he did not hit anyone while driving and had just gotten home. The officer asked the man for his ID and he said he would give it to the officer the next day as he was going to go inside and go to bed. The officer advised the man that he was not going to go inside as he was a suspect in a hit and run crash.

The man again said he was going inside and started walking towards the front door. The officer grabbed the man’s arm and placed his hands behind his back.

The man asked if he was under arrest. The officer stated he was not but he was being detained. The officer sat the man in the back of his squad car and waited for a Clark County Sheriff’s Deputy to show up and speak with him.

While speaking with the man, the CAPD officer observed him to be very unsteady on his feet and have a strong odor of intoxicants coming from his breath.

After the deputy arrived on-scene, he took over the investigation and the CAPD officer helped facilitate the rest of the interaction.