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Law Enforcement

_ March 19 - An officer was advised by dispatch of a complainant traveling behind a vehicle and observed it driving north in the southbound lane.

An officer located the vehicle parked in the roadway. The officer approached as he observed the vehicle still running. The officer knocked on the window of the vehicle and a male individual in the driver’s seat.

As the door opened, the officer noticed a strong odor of intoxicants coming from inside the vehicle. The officer asked the driver how he was doing and he stated he was ok. The officer recognized the male from prior law contacts.

While speaking to the driver, the officer observed an open can of beer in the front cup holder. At that time, a second officer arrived on scene. He opened the passenger side door and observed several empty open containers on the passenger floor. The officer emptied all full containers into the grass and removed the keys and placed them on the roof of the vehicle.

The driver was asked how many beers he drank and he responded stating he had three beers and he was coming from Unity and traveling to Colby.

Speaking with the driver, the officer observed very slow and slurred speech and glossy, bloodshot eyes.

The officer conducted a records search of the vehicle and driver. Dispatch advised the driver had a revoked driving status, a ignition interlock device requirement and a blood alcohol concentration restriction of 0.02.

The second officer made contact with the complainant and obtained a written statement from her. Afterwards the offi cer walked up to the driver door and observed the driver sleeping.

The officer had to shake the driver to wake him up. The driver was asked to exit the vehicle and as the driver was standing, the officer observed him sway from front to back several times and had to take a step forward to regain his balance.

The driver agreed to sobriety tests, because “he was not drunk.” The driver failed the test and could not provide a breath sample. Dispatch advised the officers the driver had one prior OWI conviction. The driver was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated.

The officer transported the driver to CAPD for further testing. Upon sitting the driver immediately fell back to sleep. The officer attempted to wake him up multiple times. He would wake for a few seconds then fall back to sleep. The driver finally gave consent to a blood draw once awake.

The driver was cited for operating while under the influence (second offense), operate while revoked (alcohol) and failure to install ignition interlock device.

_ March 20 - An officer observed a female standing in a parking lot of an Abbotsford business with her hand raised in the air. The officer drove around the block and pulled to see if the female needed assistance. The female stated she was not ok. The female made a fist and placed it near her face, stating she had been hit.

A vehicle was in the parking lot and a second female exited the vehicle. The officer asked the first female if the suspect was still in the area. The female stated he had left.

The officer asked the second female how she was involved in the incident. She stated she had just arrived and the female approached her window and asked to speak with her. The second female stated she did not want to talk to the female because she did not know who she was. The suspect was not on scene when she arrived.

The first female told the officer she and her boyfriend had arrived at the motel early that morning and when they entered the room her boyfriend had began to argue with her. She said she was wearing a ring on her left ring finger, which made her boyfriend upset. He started asking where/ who she got the ring from. She said she had a girlfriend obtain the jewelry and was just wearing it.

The female told the officer her boyfriend grabbed her fingers in attempt to pull the ring off and was forcibly bending her fingers, which caused her pain. The female stated her boyfriend was very upset and was aggressive towards her during the argument and he hit her on the left arm and on the face. She could not remember if he struck her with an open or closed fist.

The female said they kept arguing and he grabbed her by the throat with his hand. She was pushed into the bathroom and he was holding her throat, restricting her breathing.

The boyfriend was never successful in taking the ring off of her finger and after pushing the female into the bathroom the boyfriend took her phone and left the room and called for a ride.

The female told the officer her boyfriend had been in trouble before and had a court date but never showed up. She believed he would go to his home, obtain his property and leave. She said her boyfriend was very smart and knew when he was in trouble.

The officer asked the female to explain her relationship with the male. She told the offi cer they were dating, but not married. The officer asked the female if she felt safe in the motel room. She was hesitant and stated she was afraid. The officer asked if she wanted to go back to her residence, she stated she did not as the boyfriend could just unlock the door.

The female filled out a domestic abuse packet and wanted to enforce a 72-hour no contact order, including a bond condition.

The two officers left to search for the boyfriend at the Abbotsford residence from the registration on his vehicle. The officers knocked on the residence and asked if they could enter. They were greeted by a male individual and two other male individuals, one being the boyfriends cousin, who had picked the boyfriend up from the motel.

The officer asked the cousin if he had picked up the boyfriend and he stated he had but he did not know where he was now. He told the officer he brought him back to the house.

The officer advised all individuals to contact the police if the boyfriend came to the residence or they obtained his whereabouts.

_ March 18 - While on routine patrol an officer observed a truck pulling a trailer traveling above the posted speed limit.

The officer activated his emergency lights and conducted a traffic stop. The offi cer approached the truck and advised the reason for the stop. The driver provided his driver’s license, which had expired. Two passengers were in the truck as well.

The officer returned to his patrol vehicle and conducted a records search on all the vehicle’s occupants. The driver had an active Marathon County warrant for failure to appear and operate without a valid license.

The driver was advised to step out of the truck to speak to him. During that time the driver’s son arrived on scene. The officer advised the driver of his warrant and bond amount. The driver stated he could come up with the money to post the bond. The son was allowed to take the truck and other occupants.

The officer placed the driver under arrest for the warrant and transported the driver to the police department.

The driver had questions about the warrant. He stated he was arrested for a warrant previously and had already paid the bond amount. The offi cer looked up the court case information and observed the driver had posted the bond amount last year, but had failed to appear for his court date. The driver stated he did now know he had a court date as he was not issued anything after posting the bond amount. The officer informed the driver to contact the chief of police if he had questions or concerns regard his previous warrant.

A short time later the son shown up with the bond amount. The driver was given a new court date.

_ March 20 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in response to suspicious activity. Dispatch advised the caller lived in the downstairs apartment of the residence. The caller was reporting that a person had been walking around their house and attempting to open the doors to her apartment.

While driving the short distance, dispatch advised him that the person was again attempting to get into the residence. The officer arrived and did not see anyone fleeing or at the residence outside. The officer walked around the house and checked in the front open detached garage. The officer did not locate anyone around. A second officer arrived on scene and they had the caller come out the front door.

The officers asked what had happened. The female caller stated she saw a female walking around and was trying to get into her house. She told the officers she was from Florida and had heard of voodoo but that she was not very familiar with it as it scared her. The female caller stated that it sounded like the woman was whispering something in voodoo. She had heard the woman from her bedroom. The officer asked if the woman was in her house and the female caller said she heard the woman through her vents. The female caller said the vent she heard the woman from was on her ceiling.

The officer asked if the woman was an upstairs neighbor. She said she knew her neighbors and that the woman was not living there. She said the males that did live there had invited the woman up and that is how she heard the woman walking around.

The officer checked the female caller’s residence and basement, no one was found. The officer advised the female caller to lock her doors and windows. The female caller said she was not sure how the woman got there and said that she would recognize her voice as it creeped her out.

The officers went upstairs and spoke to the neighbors. Both stated they had not seen or heard anything suspicious. The officer asked if there were any women with them at any point that night. Both males stated it had just been them upstairs the whole time. One of the males then admitted that he had called his wife earlier and had her on speaker phone.

The officer went back downstairs and told the female caller to keep her residence locked up and the CAPD would do extra patrols around the area.

_ March 20 - An officer took a found dog report from Colby.

The officer met with the resident who said she had found a dog wandering around the Colby fire station in the afternoon. She said she posted the animal on Facebook but had not found its owner and could not keep the animal there.

The officer secured the black lab mix in his squad vehicle and transported it to CAPD. While there he checked the dogs collar and found a pet locator tag on the collar.

The officer called the company and gave them the tag number. They provided the owner’s information and phone number. The officer called the owner and told him he had the dog. The owner came to CAPD to pick up the animal.

_ March 20 - An officer was on patrol when he observed a vehicle ahead of him turn on its emergency flashers and began braking. The vehicle pulled over on the side of the road by a cemetery. The officer noticed the vehicle had parked with its front passenger side tire on the curb and there was a male passenger standing outside the vehicle next to the passenger side door. The officer approached the male and asked what was going on. The male said he was going to his house.

The officer repeated the question and received the same answer. The officer told the passenger that they were not at a house but the side of the road. The male told the officer his house was nearby and pointed towards the farm a half block from their location. The officer asked why the driver let him out here and not in the driveway. The male told the officer to speak to the driver.

While the officer was speaking to the male passenger he could smell a strong odor of intoxicating beverage coming from him. The officer asked again where he lived and the male told him. The officer asked about the discrepancy with addresses. The male said he did not live there and was being dropped off by the driver.

A second officer arrived and waited with the male passenger while the first officer spoke to the driver. As the officer passed the vehicle he observed an unopened case of beer behind the driver’s seat. While the officer spoke to the driver, he saw his eyes were glassy and bloodshot.

The driver told the officer he was pulled over because the police were behind him. The officer told the driver he was a quarter of a mile behind them and they pulled over well before the officer activated the emergency lights. The officer asked the driver if he had anything to drink. The driver again needed to be refocused to answer the question and said that they did not have anything to drink and were headed to their house to eat.

The officer asked where the driver had picked up the passenger. The driver went on about work and did not answer the question and needed to be asked twice more. The driver told the offi cers he picked up the passenger on the side of the road in Stetsonville, because he needed a ride. The driver said he did not know the passenger.

The officer spoke again to the passenger and asked where he was coming from. The passenger replied he was coming from a friend’s house in Stetsonville. The officer asked if he knew the driver and he told the officer no. He stated he needed a ride and was picked up by the driver.

While speaking to both driver and passenger the officers could smell an intoxicating odor coming from both males. The officer then performed a sobriety test on the driver and failed. The driver was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated. The second officer gave the passenger a ride to his house in Abbotsford.

_ March 19 - An officer was patrolling past a Colby gas station and was flagged down by two individuals in the parking lot.

The officer met with the two individuals, who were employees there. They said just minutes prior, a male came walking through the parking lot barefoot, wheezing and grabbing his stomach area. The employees told the officer the male came from the northwest corner of the parking lot, walked up to the front door, realized it was locked, then headed eastbound. The employees were concerned about the man as he was walking barefoot and it was cold outside. They said the man had left wet footprints across the parking lot and found it odd that the man’s footprints did not dry as he walked.

The officer was shown the footprints. He saw wet footprints across the dry parking lot that went for almost a city block without dissipating as they walked. The employees did not know if the prints were from water or if the man was actively bleeding. They told the officer he acted strangely as he walked; either drunk, on drugs or possibly injured.

A second officer was notified and immediately went searching. The officer on scene followed the footprints and saw they were leading out of town. The two offi cers decided to check farther out of town in case the male had gotten that far. While they were searching, Marathon County dispatch began to receive calls of a male dressed in black walking down the white lines with cars passing.

The two officers located the male and called out to him they observed the male had one shoe on and a sock on the other foot, his big toe bleeding. The officers asked the male if he was ok. The male replied yes, he was just walking home. The male stumbled as he spoke and appeared very intoxicated. The male stated he was drinking at his aunt’s house and a bar and he knew he was too drunk to drive so he was walking home.

The officers frisked the male and did not locate any items. The man’s clothes and jacket were drenched. He stated he had fallen into a large puddle. He denied using any drugs and did not want any medical attention.

Shortly after a truck pulled up with a female driver and another male, who identified as the male walker’s wife and brother. The brother told the officers they all had been drinking at a bar and their aunt’s house. The brother went on to explain, his brother (male walker) was not treated well by his parents growing up and still was hurt by that. He stated his brother got upset and left without telling anyone. They were trying to contact him but the calls would go straight to voicemail. The male stated his phone was terminally damaged on his journey.

The male had no injuries and no incidents happened at the bar. The brother took responsibility of the male walker.

_ March 18 - An officer was contacted by phone in reference to a domestic disturbance that occurred during the late night hours of March 17.

The caller told the officer around 11 p.m. on Thursday she was at her residence and her exboyfriend and father to her unborn baby contacted her telling her he and his dog are coming to the apartment and he was intoxicated. She told the ex-boyfriend she could not have animals in her apartment and to not come. The ex-boyfriend texted he was 15 minutes away but would turn around.

The ex-boyfriend showed up at her apartment and began beating on her front door. The caller told the officer she had the door locked and hid in her bedroom, while he was beating and yelling through the door at her. The ex-boyfriend beat on the door so much he broke the door handle.

The caller said she was very fearful that he would get into her apartment and hurt her. She told the officer he had been verbally abusive during their relationship and threatened to kill her and their baby several times.

At that time she explained he couldn’t get in through the front door so he went to her side window and began beating on the window, trying to break it. At that point she said she called her sister and asked her to come over and ask her ex-boyfriend to leave.

The sister came to her sister’s residence and told the ex-boyfriend to leave. He called the sister names and acted like he would hit her but did not. After an hour the sister was able to get the exboyfriend to leave and she stayed with her sister for the night. The caller stated she wanted to report the incident in the morning. The sister told the officer, her sister’s ex-boyfriend appeared to be very drunk and possibly on drugs.

The officer asked the caller if she was physically hurt. She stated she was not but thought he would try to hurt her in the future. She stated that most of the mental abuse and threats were over the phone while talking with her ex-boyfriend. The caller stated she did have one text message stating he would push her down the stairs in an attempt to kill their unborn baby.

The officer ran the ex-boyfriend’s name through the system and was determined he was on probation through the Marathon County for domestic battery and domestic disorderly conduct. The officers contacted his probation officer and spoke in regards of taking him into custody. The exboyfriend was there with his probation officer for another matter and was taken into custody.

_ March 17 - An officer, while on patrol, observed a white vehicle with a defective headlight and conducted a routine traffic stop.

The officer made contact with a male driver and the male passenger and explained the reason for the stop. The driver told the offi cer he knows his headlight was burnt out and showed the officer another bulb he had to fix it. The officer took their information while another officer arrived on scene to take over the traffic stop. The first officer ran the names through dispatch.

The K9 was deployed for a free air sniff of the vehicle. K9 Dodge alerted to the drivers door of the vehicle for the odor of narcotics. The driver was asked to exit the vehicle. The officer searched the driver and found inside of his jacket pocket a straw that was cut short and had white residue inside of it. The officer asked the driver what the straw was for and he told the officer it was from McDonalds. The driver insisted that is how short he received the straw.

The passenger was asked to exit the vehicle and the second officer searched him and found nothing. The officers then searched the vehicle and located a clear colored cut straw with a white residue inside of it.

Dispatch advised the driver had two open cases; one a felony and one misdemeanor with bond conditions on both. The bond conditions state the driver is to not drive a motor vehicle without proper valid driver’s license, insurance, to not consume alcohol or be in places that sell alcohol, and to not be in the presence of drugs or drug paraphernalia.

The driver was placed under arrest for bail jumping. The passenger was told by the officers he was free to go and walked home. The officers tested the cut straws and found positive identification for methamphetamine.