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Archambo, Schraufnagel seeking re-election to Abbotsford K-12 school board of education

Archambo, Schraufnagel seeking re-election to Abbotsford K-12 school board of education Archambo, Schraufnagel seeking re-election to Abbotsford K-12 school board of education

What is your background?

Schraufnagel: “I was on raised on a dairy farm in Colby, and graduated from Colby High School in 1987. I attended UW-River Falls, and graduated with BS in Ag Business in 1991. I’m married (Kari) with four children of which three (Emily Anna and Mia) graduated from Abbotsford High School, and one (Noah) who is currently enrolled.

I’ve been involved with the Abby Heat youth

baseball program Sharon as board president, Archambo

Abby Booster Club, Abbotsford School Board of Education as vice president and active with the Zion Lutheran Church in Colby” Archambo: “I am the mother of six children, all graduates of Abbotsford High School.”

What is your age and occupation?

Schraufnagel: “I am 52 years old and am the VP/Agricultural Loan Officer with Forward Bank.”

Archambo: “I am retired, having worked in education with students with special needs for over 25 years. From both raising and educating children, I continue to find passion in supporting the educational endeavors of our youth.”

Why have you decided to run for (re) election to the board?

Schraufnagel: “I feel I offer a good business perspective with 30 years of experience in the financial industry and have a understanding of school financing and operation from nine years of school board experience.”

Archambo: “Over the years, I have witnessed the educational characteristics which lead to greater or lesser achievement in students.

School plays a vital role in fostering not only a quality education, but needs to meet the emotional health and establishing of relationships of our children. With our diverse population, we need to meet the needs of all students.”

What do you feel are the biggest challenges/ priorities facing Abbotsford and what will you do as a board member to overcome that challenge?

Schraufnagel: “Increasing student enrollment is a positive for school district, as growth provides additional per pupil funding to school district.

The challenge with increasing enrollment is the need to provide additional classrooms to accommodate enrollment growth. The district has added six classrooms in the last four years, and is in the process of adding three more classrooms for 4K students in the district’s planned FEMA building.

Also, the large amount of English Learners has provided the school district with an opportunity to provide dual language curriculum for our K-5 students, rarely seen in a district our size.”


“The greatest challenge of the Abbotsford School District is to ensure our students are enabled and inspired to compete well in the worldly pursuits.

As a school board member, I believe we must focus on high academic standards and ensuring that our policies are supported by administration and that our teachers have the resources and support to do their best work.”

What can the school board do within budgetary limitations to keep things running smoothly and efficiently?

Schraufnagel: “New building projects continue to be addressed to provide the classrooms needed to service our growing community The upcoming referendum would allow for additional margin in the school budget, if any unscheduled repairs or capital projects are needed.

Fund 46 for capital replacement has been funded in anticipation of the FEMA building project, but unforeseen events have caused building costs to increase at unanticipated levels.”

Archambo: “Children strive for and meet high standards if expected. We need to assure our resources are properly aligned to establish those high expectations. “ What do you feel the school board can do to be more responsive to the needs of the community?

Schraufnagel: “Open communication with community stakeholders. What do they value in a school? Are we on track to meeting their expectations?”

Archambo: “Our community is supportive of our school. We, in turn, must provide an educational foundation that encourages civic engagement founded on thoughtful thinking and the pursuit of the common good.”