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Abby K-12 discusses FEMA shelter and new graduation requirements

It wasn’t just the consolidation study and the Baird report that the Abbotford board of education discussed during their monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 21.

Once again, the talks revolved around the district’s upcoming FEMA shelter and referendum, as well as possible new requirements for Abbotsford seniors to graduate.

Abbotstford high school principal Melissa Piligrim floated out the idea to the board about making communoty service hours mandatory to graduate. Under the new policy, seniors would be required to complete twenty hours of community service.

“A couple of things I wanted to add besides my notes is something that I am working on to add for graduation requirements, one of them would be community service,” Pilgrim stated. “I think it’s important, and many others feel that way as well.”

Pilgrim is hoping the new rule can go into effect for the 2022-23 academic school year, though she did mention that next year’s seniors would likely not have to reach the twenty hour threshold.

“I would like to start next year, the current seniors would probably have less hours, but I would like see them start doing something.”

Pilgrim says the community service hours are good preparation for life beyond Abbotsford, and would serve as a good start to their college and adult careers.

“Going to college isn’t just about the grades anymore, it’s about everything that compels you as a student and person.”

Pilgrim said she has had several department meetings on how to implement this policy, and will continue to fine tune it for approval later this year. She noted that there are ample opportunities for Abbotsford students to meet this requirement.

“Twenty hours, if you divide it over four years, is just five hours a year. A lot of our students do it without even thinking about it,” Pilgrim remarked. “They work at tournaments on a Saturday, or work the concession stands. I think it’s important they get out in the community and see what a difference they can make.”

FEMA update

Abbotsford school district superintendent Ryan Bargender said the district is moving forward on the FEMA storm shelter, and gave a rough timeline of the construction project and its start and completion dates.

“Mason Rachu and I met with representatives from Market and Johnson, as well as HSR,” Bargender told the board. “They assessed the contracts and layout of the project timeline. The sight demo is scheduled to begin August of 2022 . . . and wrapping up in June of 2023.”

The FEMA shelter has to be completed no later than September of 2023, but Bargender told the board the district “will be ahead of schedule.”

Other business

_ The board accepted the retirement of John Slipek and the resignations of Sandra Galan a ELA aide and Sue Heck as a food service worker.