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Veterans blanket drive held by HealthView Eye Clinic

Veterans blanket drive held by HealthView Eye Clinic Veterans blanket drive held by HealthView Eye Clinic

As 2021 came to an end, so did the blanket drive for veterans held during November and December by Health-View Eye Care Centers in Medford and Colby.

HealthView offices invited area communities to join them in collecting new twin and full size blankets to be distributed to veterans residing at the Chippewa Falls Veterans Home, and here in central Wisconsin through the help of local VFW’s and veterans offices in Price, Taylor and Clark counties.

More than 190 blankets were collected during the drive, but that’s not all. Area fourth grade students from Medford, Stetsonville, Abbotsford and Colby joined in by creating “Thank You” cards to be attached to each blanket.

The community response and participation was so heartwarming. A Girl Scout troop from the area chose the blanket drive as a service project and visited the Colby office in December to deliver their gifts of love.

2022 will definitely be a warmer year for many veterans because of the community response and participation in this blanket drive.

When asked why HealthView Eye Care Center wanted to take on this project they responded saying, “It’s a great way to provide a warm hug for those who have given so much for us.”

Blankets were dropped off at the HealthView offices in Medford and Colby, along with the Taylor County Veterans Office. “Thank You” cards designed by area fourth graders that accompanied the blankets will surely be welcomed by veteran recipients. A back story to the “Thank You” cards comes from Lisa Underwood’s class in Colby. When the class was presented the opportunity to participate in this project, they had already been writing letters to Peyton Smith, who is currently serving in the U.S. Army.

The class would ask him questions about his training, etc, and he would answer them, all through letters. Letters he would also share with his fellow service men. In December Smith was able to take leave and come home for Christmas.

He surprised Underwood’s class by showing up in full dress uniform. He spoke with the class about his training and also the importance of the “Thank You” card project they had undertaken.

Underwood shared that the class was awestruck to have him attend and speak with them and relay how much their letters meant. It really brought home, the importance of “being remembered.”

“A big thanks to all who have served or are serving our country. We do remember you. And thanks to all who participated to make the Blanket Drive for Veterans a huge success, your generosity is remembered and appreciated,” HealthView Eye Care Center staff said.