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nity members and staff. ….

nity members and staff.

“I have never seen an open forum for a principal position,” Kolden said, suggesting that they instead gear it to primarily have staff have an opportunity to meet and talk to the finalists. The meeting would still be open to the public.

Ploeckelman agreed that the staff should have a chance to give input on the hiring and suggested including students in the process as well.

Kolden said they would reach out specifi cally to student council members to take part. He said those attending the forum would have the opportunity fill out a feedback form with the information going to the selection committee. The committee would then review the feedback and make a recommendation to the board of education for action at the March 21 school board meeting.

_ Board members approved the annual

administrative procedure setting limits on open enrollments.

Kolden said this allows the district some control if there is a huge number of high need students looking to enroll in the district. The limits were set at the same levels as last year.

_ Board members authorized Ploeckelman to vote her conscience as far as resolutions to be presented at the upcoming Wisconsin Association of School Boards convention. She is the district’s representative in the delegates. The resolutions direct the legislative lobbying efforts for the WASB.

_ Board members received notification of candidates who have filed to run for school board. Candidates will appear on the ballot in the following order: Teri Hanson, Lony Oestreich, Todd Schmidt, Cody Gumz and Tanya Geiger.