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beer in the cupholder, and ….

beer in the cupholder, and an unopened can of beer in the passenger’s seat. He could also smell alcohol coming from inside the vehicle.

The driver admitted to consuming five beers before driving to the store. Dispatch reported that the driver did not have a valid license.

The officer had the driver exit the vehicle for field sobriety tests. The driver had trouble following directions and showed signs of intoxication.

A preliminary breath test showed a blood-alcohol level of .166. He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and taken to the police station, where he refused to submit to a breathalyzer test.

He was cited for drunk driving and released to a sober party. The officer also contacted the person who called in the suspicious driving activity.

She said she saw the suspect’s vehicle driving very slowly and crossing the centerline twice before pulling into the store’s parking lot.

_ Dec. 26 - An officer spoke with an Abbotsford man about a child custody dispute. The complainant said he was at home with his son when he asked his son to do some chores around the house.

A short time later, he noticed his son was gone from the property. He found out through his sister that his estranged wife had taken their son to her place in Wausau. He acknowledged they did not have a court-ordered custody arrangement.

The officer said his wife may not have made the best decision by taking their son without informing him, but she did nothing illegal.

The officer advised the complainant to contact Clark County about getting a child custody arrangement in place.

_ Dec. 26 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford gas station in reference to a found wallet.

A license inside the wallet indicated that it belonged to a man in Dayton, Minn.

The officer contacted the Dayton Police Department and was able to get a phone number for the wallet owner’s father.

He contacted the father, who said his son was in Michigan snowmobiling. The officer secured the wallet in a safe place until it could be claimed.

_ Dec. 26 - An officer responded to a report of a vehicle driving into an apartment building in Abbotsford.

They found the vehicle, which had ran into a door leading into one of the apartments.

The driver’s side door had been left open, and the car was still running, with the gear shift in drive.

The airbags had been deployed. The officer looked through the open door and found a Nicaraguan passport. Other officers searched the area for the driver, but did not find him.

Surveillance footage of the apartment parking lot showed the vehicle parking in a space, before accelerating over the curb and into the apartment door. The driver can be seen exiting the vehicle, getting on his cell phone and then walking away.

A translator working for the department called the officer and said the driver had contacted him and wanted to speak with police.

The officer met with the driver, who said he had gone to the apartments to drop off a charger for a friend.

He said he was preparing to park when the gas pedal got stuck in place and the vehicle accelerated into the building.

He said he was not using drugs or alcohol and agreed to submit to a preliminary breath test, which showed a .000 blood-alcohol level.

The officer did not observe any signs that the driver was impaired.

He was cited for disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle, driving without a valid license and driving without insurance.