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Ella Raatz to be recognized by Holstein Assoc.

Ella Raatz to be recognized by  Holstein Assoc. Ella Raatz to be recognized by  Holstein Assoc.

The Wisconsin Holstein Association will hold its annual Junior Holstein Convention, in collaboration with the Waupaca-Waushara Junior Holstein Association, at the Red Lion Hotel in Appleton, Dec. 28-30.

Youth from across the state will be recognized for their outstanding achievements in multiple categories. The top award recipients for those excelling with their Junior Holstein projects will be the Distinguished Junior Members (ages 17-21), Young Distinguished Junior Members (ages 13-16), and 12 & Under Recognition award winners (ages 12 and younger).

They will be recognized on the Wednesday evening of convention, Dec. 29.

Ella Raatz will be recognized as Young Distinguished Junior Member. She is the daughter of Al and Teri Raatz of Colby. She is a ninth grader at Colby High School.

Although she does not live on a farm, she has found a way to become very active in 4-H and the Junior Holstein Association by partnering with local dairy farmers and showing Registered Holsteins during the summer. Her participation in the Junior Holstein Association includes competing on the Clark County junior quiz bowl team, participating in fitting and showing clinics and the state dairy judging and showmanship contests.

The Wisconsin Holstein Association is a nonprofit organization that strives to increase knowledge and provide opportunities to youth by involvement through the Registered Holstein project. The association positively influences young people by recognizing and congratulating their achievements and accomplishments in the dairy industry.

For more information on WHA, visit www.wisholsteins. com or call 1-800-223-4269.