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is planning to provide options ….

is planning to provide options for a wastewater treatment plant upgrade to Abbyland Foods by Nov. 15. Trustee Unruh said he’s leaning toward one of the options pitched by CBS Squared, which would cost a little over $3 million and accomplish the same level of treatment as a previous $20 million proposal from MSA Professional Services.

The board approved a $4,000 work order for CBS Squared to clarify its options for the new plant and a $1,000 work order for MSA to come up with funding scenarios for the plant project.

_ The board was told that the organizers of next year’s Farm Tech Days in Clark County are looking for volunteers and are also selling personalized benches for $300 that would be used during the event and then given to the buyer after it was done. No action was taken.

_ Swarr told the board about the problem of driverscuttingthecornertooclose at the intersection of Front and Walnut streets near the park. He said there are already posts there, but they don’t stop motorists from leaving the roadway and driving on the grass. The board decided not to take any action at this point.

_ The board voted to pay D& S Milling $5 for small concrete blocks and $10 for larger ones to be used to separate brush and other waste at the village’s waste pile.

_ The board voted to amend its ordinance on mobile homes, allowing them to be placed on a concrete slab instead of just on a finished basement, as previously stated in the ordinance.

_ The board discussed a $1,600 bill from MSA Professional Services that included eight hours or work time not authorized by the village. Village clerk Carol Devine was directed not to pay the bill until the company could provide an explanation for the work.