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the entire fourth quarter, and ….

the entire fourth quarter, and …. the entire fourth quarter, and ….

the entire fourth quarter, and the Red Raiders tried to find pay-dirt once again, but their offense was halted at every step.

In the end, Marathon could only muster 12 points despite 229 yards of total offense - 118 on the ground and 111 through the air.

“Our best way to describe the way our defense played was fast and swarming,” Knapmiller said. “We maybe aren’t perfect with technique or reads, but our kids run and hit a lot of times as one unit.”

The Falcons finished with 346 yards, with 339 of those yards coming on the ground. Falteisek recorded a team high 202 rushing yards on 22 carries. Castillo added another 116 on 13 carries. Falteisek also had a team high eight tackles. Evan Reis, Mason Wellman and Alex Sundermeyer all added one tackle for loss.

The Falcons will be back on the road this Thursday for a non-conference game with Rib Lake/Prentice. That game will start at 6 p.m.