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offload the expenses onto the ….

offload the expenses onto the district.

“Obviously, if they own it, then they’re going to be responsible for all utilities and all the maintenance,” he said. “The village might actually come out smelling better.”

Unruh, however, said that sales price would still not be enough to cover what the village owes on the building, which is about $770,000.

Swarr said he spoke to a local business owner about how much the village could get if it rented out the hall on the open market. He was told the village could get $1 per square foot per month for RV storage, ($120,000 per year for the 10,000 square foot building.) Swarr said the village also needs to make sure the grant money used to help pay for the building does not have any stipulations that would prevent the board from renting it to someone besides the fire district.

“The only one we’ve told about it is that it had be a fire hall for five years,” he said.

Unruh, who has been a vocal supporter of trying to get more money for the fire hall, said the board has a lot to consider when looking at alternatives.

“It’s going to come down to how much it would affect the residents of the village of Curtiss if we no longer have the fire association in that fire hall,” Unruh said. “That’s what it’s going to come down to.”