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Colby H.S. class of 1971 meets for reunion

Colby H.S. class of 1971 meets for reunion Colby H.S. class of 1971 meets for reunion

The Colby High School class of 1971 gathered on Aug. 28 at the Lions Shelter in Colby. Beverages, heavy hors d’oeuvres and cheese curds were consumed.

Dave Bedroske, Chet Pawlowicz, Phil Waldhart and Sheila Steinmetz coordinated the event. Linda Kopecky York addressed the guests, reminisced about school days and reflected on life hence.

At least 18 classmates have passed away.

There were 48 classmates present. Those attending were: Diane (Baumgartner) and Don Jacquart; Cathy (Becker) and Bruce Schwieso; Dave and Donell Bedroske; Phil Behrens; Brenda (Brandt) and Dave Newman; Donna Brown; Larry Brown; Chuck Bruesewitz; Gail (Decker) Flick; Don and Carla Dommer; Dan Dums and Barb Ohlsen; Jerry and Tari Eggebrecht; Emilie Ellenbecker; Dennis Engel; Debby (Firnstahl) and Warren Ayer; Mary (Gabriel) and Twink Winchell; Gene and Cheryl Knoll; Linda (Kopecky) and Alwyn York; Doug and Peggy Kunick; Norm and Pam (Boyer) Miller; Roger and Jeanine Morrow; Beverly (Mueller) Comer; Chet and Diane Pawlowicz; Tom and Peggy Peissig; Jim and Cheryl Ploeckelman; Diane (Podevels) and Matt DelFatti; Deb Rickard; Greg Rueden; Joette (Schaefer) Lulloff; Kathy (Schaefer) and Randy Kuck; Audrey (Scheel) Berger; Larry Schmidt; Sally (Schultz) and Jerome Heindl; Loran Schulz; Dan Skrzeczkoski; Brian and Sheila (Gorke) Steinmetz; Richard Stibbe; Sandy (Strathman) and Gary Lukas; Bernie Tennis; Janice (Tauchen) and James Rau; James Umhoefer; Marsha (VanHecker) Ross; Debby (Viets) Montgomery; Phil Waldhart; Debby (Weix) and Russell Lee; and Trudy (Willner) Nell.

The class plans to gather again in 2026. Greg Rueden, Joette Lulloff, Kathy Kuck and Debby Montgomery got roped into planning it.