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September is ‘Back-to-Library’ month at CCL

September is ‘Back-to-Library’ month at CCL September is ‘Back-to-Library’ month at CCL

Make September Back-to-School month and Back-to-Library month. Visit the Colby Community Library to see what is happening.

The Adopt-a-Book Project at the CCL has over 100 animal books adopted and ready for patrons to enjoy. There are still 60 books waiting to be adopted.

Patrons may choose, for a reasonable adoption fee, a book and design a bookplate for it. After checking the book out, it is brought back to the library for others to read. The project will run through the end of August.

CCHS donations

The service project to help the Clark County Humane Society (CCHS) runs through Aug. 31. Bring back completed Octopus Dog Toys and any donations for the CCHS by the end of the month.

An interest survey about reintroducing events at the library is available. If you are interested in morning book clubs, evening book clubs, story times, or craft and hobby nights, fill out a survey and return it by Aug. 31.

The library has paper copies, or go to the CCL website for a digital copy. The offering and timing of events will be determined by community interest. Watch for details after the survey results are compiled.

Sign up at the library if you desire to enroll in the Curriculum Crate program. This service at the CCL supplies educational supplemental materials on a topic or theme of the educator’s choice. This is particularly useful for homeschoolers or classroom teachers. Requests need to be submitted three weeks before the items are needed.

Babysitter Totes

Babysitter Totes provide books, movies, and lessons for families to have their own story times at home at a time convenient for them. Register to receive a new tote monthly. This program is recommended for ages 2-5.

Welcome New Baby Bags

Welcome New Baby Bags provide a child’s first canvas library bag, along with other assorted baby items, to welcome the newborn to the library world. Parents of babies up to six months of age are invited to choose a bag when visiting the CCL.


The beginning of the school year is a great time to start a child’s reading adventure with the CCL’s 1,000 Books Before (the end of) Kindergarten program.

Reading binders are available to record books read that are checked out from the CCL. At each 100 books completed level, a prize is selected. When reaching the 1000 book level, a travel reading pillow and book is awarded.

Due to parent requests, the library has 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 Books before the end of Kindergarten binders also available. All these programs promote child literacy and help children hear the recommended 21,000 words each day.

Games and Fun in ‘21 Books and movies featured this month for “Games and Fun in ’21” will focus on the game of “Life.” Family-type materials will be available for check out. Also on display will be back-to-school books and movies.

Loan rules

In an effort to bring all Wisconsin Valley Library System libraries onto the same page with loan rules, loan periods will be changing as of Sept. 20. Everything will be due in either seven, 14 or 21 days, hopefully making it easy to remember. With this transition, no fines will be assessed at the CCL. Watch for more information on the loan rule changes.


Beginning Sept. 1, study rooms are available for one-hour time slots at the CCL. Register at the desk or call 715-2232000 to schedule. Users are asked to sanitize the room after use. Quarantining of books will be eliminated, but continue to return books to the outside book drops as they will still be sanitized before being shelved. The children’s community room is not open at this time.

The CCL trustees voted to follow Clark County Health Service recommendations to wear masks inside the library for everyone ages five and up. If you cannot wear a mask, the staff will serve your library needs curbside.

The hours at the CCL are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, from noon to 7 a.m., and Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon.