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Abby K-12 looks at new shelter design

The Abbotsford School District is reconsidering the dome design for its FEMA-funded storm shelter/multipurpose building after superintendent Ryan Bargender delivered some sticker shock on Monday.

Bargender told the board during its monthly meeting that if the district proceeds with its current dome and interior designs, the total cost to complete the project will be $6.5 million. The cost to the district would be nearly $3 million, with FEMA staying at their original promised commitment of nearly $2.2 million Bargender said some of the issue stems from the high cost of construction materials, and a small pool of companies to draw from that are qualified to build FEMA dome shelters.

Bargender said the district’s architect, HSR Associates, is recommending Abbotsford pursue a conventional plan for the storm shelter.

“Jordan Buss (consultant) is trying to get additional funding from FEMA, as well as getting final approval on the conventional building,” Bargender said. “He didn’t think he would be able to get more money, but he did think the conventional building will be approved.”

The new plan calls for rearranging the interior of the dome, which includes the possible removal of the performance area and its bleachers, as well as removal of gym dividers.

Bargender said the district will likely be able to utilize COVID relief funds to help pay for the shelter’s HVAC system, which would save the district $450,000.

“We’re working on those details, but ultimately, we’re tying to best utilize space and not have any wasted space, and save as much money as we can by shaving costs,” he said.

Based on switching to a conventional style building, and removing unneeded items and utilizing COVID relief funds, Bargender said the best case scenario in additional costs to the district would be closer to $160,000.

“We’re getting to better numbers; all of these things add up,” he told the board. “We’re constantly going through ideas of what we can do to cut costs. It’s constantly a daily thing, where we are looking to make this project a reality without having to borrow a ton of money.”

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_ The school district is seeking the following people to be a part of the joint consolidation study team with Colby: two parents, two teachers, one support staff, two community members and one student from ninth or tenth grade.

The deadline to turn in a letter of interest is Sept. 10.

_ The board approved the hiring of Sylvia Heling and Marisol Bonilla as elementary teachers assistants.

_ The board accepted the resignations of Kallie Falteisek as track coach, Austin Depner as JV2 volleyball coach, Penny Gumz as elementary teacher’s assistant and Melissa Zenner as a food service worker.