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Wisconsinites know that winter is ….

Wisconsinites know that winter is …. Wisconsinites know that winter is ….

Wisconsinites know that winter is coming, and they take that challenge and turn it into opportunity. From harvesting ice in past generations, to taking advantage of the frozen swamps to harvest timber unreachable in other times of the year.

The Wisconsin dream and the American dream of being able to go out and make your own way based on your own work and abilities is alive and well in the stories of people and industries in the pages of this section. Their success is a challenge to others to follow in their footsteps and be pioneers in industry.

Central and northern Wisconsin in particular are a place of opportunity for future growth. As older industries mature and consolidate, there are gaps and needs. There are good workers idled by economic downturn who are champing at the bit for an opportunity. There are good schools and technical colleges giving the next generation of workers the skills needed to thrive in the new marketplace of ideas.

Government at all levels is keenly aware of the need for economic growth at the same time the state is undergoing a massive review of the tens of thousands of administrative and often conflicting rules and regulations. The business climate in Wisconsin is a good one.

According to the state economic development group Forward Wisconsin, the state is in an economic renaissance. Spawned by experience in a wide range of technology-oriented industries, assisted by state government’s firm commitment to economic development, and fueled by an aggressive attitude, a more competitive Wisconsin has emerged. Here are some of the reasons they give as to why:

• Wisconsin’s business taxes are among the lowest in the country due to property tax exemptions for manufacturing machinery and equipment, computers and computer equipment, inventories and pollutioncontrol equipment.

• Wisconsin provides tax credits for energy used in manufacturing and for R& D expenditures.

• Wisconsin has single-sales-factor tax treatment and a 60% capital gains exclusion; no unitary tax on foreign- owned corporations; no inheritance and gift taxes.

• Wisconsin’s worker’s compensation rates for most industries consistently rank among the lowest in the country.

• Wisconsin electric rates are among the lowest in the country; commercial and industrial water and sewer rates are also among the lowest in the nation.

• Wisconsin has one of the lowest cost of living indices in the country.

• A Customized Labor Training Fund and more than 500 technical outreach training locations assist companies in their specific training needs.

• Wisconsin’s Technology Development Fund makes grants in support of university and industry R & D for new products and processes.

• The University of Wisconsin receives more research and development money than any other public university in the country.

• No public institution--anywhere--spends as much on transfer of applicable technology to private industry as the University of Wisconsin (Madison).

• Wisconsin’s technical college system offers more than 800 degree programs and serves one out of every eight adults— twice the national average.

Wisconsin is among the top 15 states in industrial production.

Wisconsin residents will build upon the heritage of more than 130 years of commerce and industry. But that growth and drive for the future takes new leaders and entrepreneurs to do it. Who will be the next pioneer?


Wisconsin’s communities remain strong and are committed to grow and face new challenges that await.