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Frickin’ A moves its pizza fries into local store

Frickin’ A moves its pizza fries into local store Frickin’ A moves its pizza fries into local store



When it comes to bar food in Wisconsin, there’s almost nothing that beats a big plate of pizza fries.

They’re essentially a regular pizza — just sliced more thinly — but the way they deliver flavored cheese to your taste buds is unique. You don’t have to worry about balancing a big wedge in your hands while you nibble around the edges — and you have the option of dipping.

In two or three bites (one if it’s a small slice) you can get all the gooey delight you expect from a full slice of pizza.

Justin Ingersoll, owner of Frickin’ A Bar & Grill near Dorchester, recently discovered just how popular his establishment’s pizza fries are when he started selling them in a local supermarket.

At the start of June, as a Dairy Month special, Frickin’ A pizza fries went on sale at Abby County Market in Abbotsford. It’s not an overstatement to say that they were an instant best-seller.

“They ordered 24. They said ‘Let’s try two dozen,’” and those were gone in six hours,” Ingersoll said. “We’ve been trying to keep up ever since. We made 300 this past Monday and they’re almost out of those, from Tuesday to Friday.”

The arrangement was made possible by Dave Hediger, owner of Abby County Market, and Shane Graffunder, the frozen food manager at the store. Ingersoll said both of them have come in and enjoyed the fries at the bar, and Graffunder started asking him a year ago about getting them in the store.

Ingersoll said he decided to start with basic cheesecovered fries.

When asked why he thinks they’re are so popular, he said it starts with Wisconsin’s signature dairy product.