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Abby Library preps for summer reading program

Have no i-deer what to do with yourself this summer? Need something to keep you from getting udderly bored out of your mind?

Stop by Abbotsford Public Library after June 1 and sign up for this summer’s Abbotsford Public Library Summer Reading Program. This year’s theme is “Tales and Tails” and will focus on animals.

new hours

Beginning Tuesday, June 1, after being closed for Memorial Day Monday, Abbotsford Library but will be open full time again! Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday; Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon.

All activities and programming will require pre-registration and follow social distancing and other guidelines. Library staff will continue to wear masks for your comfort and recommend you wear them too if you come to visit.

Tale-riffic reads

The Abby Library Youth Summer Program is for those going into grades kindergarten through sixth. To be part of the reading program, come to the library to sign-up and receive a reading folder; sign up starts June 1, and the program begins June 16.

Youth will be challenged to read and record one hour of reading per week. Bring the folder with a filled-in read log each Wednesday through July 23 to earn reading rewards.

Teens and adults who participate in the Abby Library Teen/Adult program will be challenged to read two hours for each week the programs run to earn their own small rewards.

Reading 600 minutes before July 21 will earn readers tickets to be entered into the end of summer’s grand prize drawing. Adults and teens will also be able participate in a “golden ticket” hunt to earn additional prizes.

Tale-riffic trivia

Throughout the five weeks of the Summer Reading Program, June 16 through July 21, the library will be hosting a weekly “Whose Tail Is That?” trivia contest. There will photos of animal tails with guessing game sheets. Each week the sheet with the most correct answers will earn a $5 Kwik Trip gift card.

Tale-riffic activities

Registration is required for all events, and youth should be accompanied by an adult.

_ Family Movie Night is being reinstituted in June on the second Friday of the month at 7 p.m. The library will assign seating based on the sign-up sheet, and participants must sit with the group they signed-up with.

_ Read to Rover will be held June 16 through July 21. Two small, friendly dogs will be at the library on Wednesdays beginning at 2 p.m. The dogs will stay for one hour, and reading is by 15 minutes sign-ups.

_ Adult Craft Night will be held the third Thursday of the month. In-person adult craft nights resume in June.

_ Wild Cookies Book Club will meet the second Tuesday of the month. Ask the librarian for a copy of that month’s pick. Social distancing will be observed.

Tale-riffic programming

Registration is required for all events, and youth should be accompanied by an adult.

_ Plant a Pizza Garden on June 8 at 3 p.m. Plant, learn to care for and take home plants that can be used to make pizza sauce.

_ Sustainable Safari will be held June 16 at 6 p.m. as the Summer Reading kickoff show. Sustainable Safari is a traveling wildlife show that will give a natural history lesson about animals and may have some opportunities for animal contact. The library will be closed during this time.

_ Local animals on June 30 at 5:30 p.m. Local farms will bring small animals to have a mini petting zoo.

_ Musician Troy Graham will perform a summer folk music show on June 30 at 6:30 p.m. This will be an outdoor event if weather permits; lawn chairs are welcomed.

_ Comedians Miller and Mike will offer good, clean comedy mixed with circus skills and audience participation on July 21 at 6:30 p.m. This will be an outside event if weather permits; lawn chairs are welcomed.

For more information, call 715-223-3920, visit the library website www.abbotsfordpl. org/ or