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ing the tests, so the officer also attempted to get a preliminary breath test, but the driver did not provide adequate samples.

The driver was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence and taken to the police station. The passenger was given a ride home by the backup officer. At the station, the driver registered a .19 blood-alcohol content on the breathalyzer. When the officer asked the driver why he backed his car into the squad, the driver said he put it into reverse by mistake. The driver was cited for drunk driving, driving without a valid license, speeding and driving without insurance.

_ May 15 - An Abbotsford woman reported that her juvenile son had run away from home. She said he left home at 10 p.m. on that Thursday, didn’t show up for school on Friday and was still gone. She thought he was probably with his friends, but she wasn’t sure where. She noted that he is diabetic and does not have his medications with him.

Dispatch reported that the son had been involved in an underage drinking incident earlier that morning. The officer recognized the name of another youth who was involved in that incident. He went to the youth’s house, located the complainant’s son there and brought him home to his mother’s house.

_ May 15 - An officer responded to an alarm going off at an Abbotsford business. The back door was found wide open, but no one was inside. Nothing seemed to be out of order. The key holder was called, and she arrived to secure the building.