in the village already, it ….
in the village already, it felt like the truck stop was being singled out.
“The other option we could have is, when it comes up to renewal, we could deny them too,” Unruh suggested.
Unruh had said he had spoken with someone from the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), who told him that the board could deny any license, so long as it was not an arbitrary ruling.
“If you’re going to deny them, you better have a good reason,” said village president Randy Busse. “They have the right to go the county level and go over the village’s head.”
“That’s where I am headed next,” Nash replied.
Busse said he called the county clerk’s office, and if the truck stop presents a petition with signatures equal to 15 percent of the votes in the last gubernatorial election, the decision would then go to referendum, which the village would then have to pay for. The petition would not be in time for April 6, so it would be pushed back to February of 2022.
“Put it on the ballot because I’m saying no,” Rettig said.