Public input sought for Hwy 13 project in 2023
A public involvement meeting was previously planned to discuss proposed improvements to STH 13 between CTH N (Monroe Street) in the city of Colby and Pine Street in the city of Abbotsford.
An in-person meeting will not be held for this project, but the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) North Central Region is seeking input on the proposed improvements until Friday, Dece.18, in alternative formats: Residents, property, and business owners within the project limits have been mailed a handout with a comment form that can be mailed back.
Input can also be submitted via online survey: wis13colbyabbotsford The handout, maps, a presentation, and other information are available on the project website, in English and Spanish, at projects/by-region/nc/wis13mc/public. aspx Proposed improvements include:
_ Removing the top layer of the existing pavement surface and replacing it with a new surface layer of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement.
_ Reshaping and restoring the existing shoulders.
_ Replacing non-ADA compliant curb ramps.
New right-of-way and temporary easements will be required for replacement of the curb ramps.
Construction is currently scheduled for 2023. STH 13 will remain open to traffi c during construction. Motorists can expect single lane closures or flagging operations with at least one lane remaining open to traffic in each direction.
The STH 29 on and off ramps will be closed overnight while the intersection are paved. Traffic will be detoured via STH 97 and STH 153. Temporary pedestrian accommodations will be provided.
Adjacent property and business owners are encouraged to provide input. Deaf or hard of hearing persons needing assistance should contact the Wisconsin Telecommunications Relay system (dial 711).