Dorchester OKs income surveys for proposed street, utlilty work
Dorchester’s village board approved an $8,500 contract last week with Cooper Engineering, which will be doing income surveys of local residents in preparation for upcoming street and utility projects.
The contract was the first one signed between the village and the Rice Lake-based engineering company, which recently took the place of MSA Professional Services as the village’s primary for street and utility projects.
Dan Gustafson of Cooper Engineering spoke to the board at its May 11 meeting about work that needs to be done on North Front Street, from CTH A to Kennedy Avenue, and on all three blocks of Third Street, both north and south.
The village is also looking at a lift station project, which would bring the total cost of the work up to $2.36 million, according to Gustafson.
Public works supervisor Clint Penney said the village should try to bring the cost down to $1.5 million so it can be financed with a Community Development Block Grant. Anything over that amount, he said the village would have to borrow the money.
Penney recommended the board eliminate the lift station project if it wants to save money.
“The streets have to be done sometime; they’re in pretty rough shape,” he said.
Ultimately, the board voted to approve $8,500 for doing income surveys, which are required if the village wants to apply for funding through the state’s CDBG program.
Other business
_ The board approved a $3,000 contract with MSA for providing updates to the village’s GIS map, which shows the location of all the village’s manholes, curb stops and other underground infrastructure.
_ MSA engineer Mike Voss presented the board with copies of a proposed 10-year capital improvement plan, which was referring to the planning commission for review and possible recommendations.
_ The board approved a motion to advertise for bids to pave portions of North Front Street, Circle Drive and North Second Street. In a related matter, the board accepted an offer of $7,595 from American Asphalt to pulverize the areas slated for paving.
_ The board approved the purchase of a Kubota tractor from Chili Implement, at a cost of $30,000, with the money coming out of the village’s future expenditure account. The village receive three quotes, and Penney said the offer from Chili best fit his crew’s needs.
_ The board accepted a bid of $2,255 for the village’s old 656 International Harvester tractor. Another bid for $1,569 was also submitted.
_ The board accepted an offer from Randy’s Body Shop to repaint and repair the village’s 2004 Sterling dump truck, at a cost of $6,924.
_ The board approved a motion to remove the emergency siren at the village’s municipal hall. It was noted that the siren was not connected to any automated emergency system, so a village employee would have to manually sound the alarm in the event of an emergency. The board’s action leaves the village with two other emergency sirens.
_ Police chief Gary Leichtman presented the board with a series of emails between himself and a legal assistant, stating that the village is responsible for maintaining 250 feet of roadway leading up to his property in the town of Mayville. The property is located south of Oak Street and Fourth Avenue, near the village’s water tower.
Leichtman said the village has done nothing to maintain the road for the past 50 years, and he believes he would have a good legal case to make in court. The board voted to table the issue until next meeting.
_ The board approved updates to the public works supervisor’s job description, making it clear that the supervisor is responsible for posting job openings for winter and summer seasonal help, and making hiring and firing decisions.
_ Utility operator Rick Golz said a shed for phosphorus treatment is set to arrive this week, for setup at the wastewater lagoons.