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T RIBUNEPHONOGRAPH USPS 6402-80 Phone 715-223-2342 FAX 715-223-3505 E-mail: tp@tpprinting.com Web page: www.centralwinews.com THE S TAFF Co-publishers ...................Kris O’Leary .......................................and Kevin Flink News Editor ....................Kevin O’Brien Reporter.............. Nathaniel Underwood Creative Media ........ Samantha Yocius Graphic Designer .......... Kati Schoelzel Photographer ............Linda Filtzkowski Customer Service/Subscriptions/ Distribution .....................Jane Kroeplin IT Coord./Cust. Service/Proofreader ........................................... Martha Ried Cust. Service/Proofreader.... Kris Woik Sales Manager ...............Kelly Schmidt Sales Consultant ............... Lori Totzke Accounting .................. Julia Chaplinski Pressroom Supervisor ...... Kevin Flink Press Operator ............Clint Boettcher Press Operator .................. John Flink Press Operator ............... Dallas Wiese S UBSCRIPTIONS The Tribune-Phonograph is a locally owned newspaper published every Wednesday at Abbotsford, WI. Our office is open between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mon.-Thurs; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri. Subscription rates: $85 per year in Clark or Marathon counties; $125 for residents of Wisconsin not in Marathon or Clark counties; and $150 per year for residents of the U.S; $70 for online access subscriptions. Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address. A deduction of one month from the subscription will be made when a change of address is provided through the post office by form 3579. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome letters to the editor for free publication but, as a result of the rancor arising from the 2020 U.S. presidential election, we will observe a moratorium on printing letters concerned with national partisan themes that would inflame community ill-will. Letters on local topics are welcomed. All letters should be signed and a telephone number included for verification. The TRIBUNE PHONOGRAPH welcomes letters to the editor on a variety of local topics and issues. Letters endorsing or opposing candidates in statewide or national races are considered political advertising. Contact our advertising department for rates and to schedule placement. Member of: T RIBUNEPHONOGRAPH USPS 6402-80 Phone 715-223-2342 FAX 715-223-3505 E-mail: tp@tpprinting.com Web page: www.centralwinews.com THE S TAFF Co-publishers ...................Kris O’Leary .......................................and Kevin Flink News Editor ....................Kevin O’Brien Reporter.............. Nathaniel Underwood Creative Media ........ Samantha Yocius Graphic Designer .......... Kati Schoelzel Photographer ............Linda Filtzkowski Customer Service/Subscriptions/ Distribution .....................Jane Kroeplin IT Coord./Cust. Service/Proofreader ........................................... Martha Ried Cust. Service/Proofreader.... Kris Woik Sales Manager ...............Kelly Schmidt Sales Consultant ............... Lori Totzke Accounting .................. Julia Chaplinski Pressroom Supervisor ...... Kevin Flink Press Operator ............Clint Boettcher Press Operator .................. John Flink Press Operator ............... Dallas Wiese S UBSCRIPTIONS The Tribune-Phonograph is a locally owned newspaper published every Wednesday at Abbotsford, WI. Our office is open between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mon.-Thurs; 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri. Subscription rates: $85 per year in Clark or Marathon counties; $125 for residents of Wisconsin not in Marathon or Clark counties; and $150 per year for residents of the U.S; $70 for online access subscriptions. Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address. A deduction of one month from the subscription will be made when a change of address is provided through the post office by form 3579. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We welcome letters to the editor for free publication but, as a result of the rancor arising from the 2020 U.S. presidential election, we will observe a moratorium on printing letters concerned with national partisan themes that would inflame community ill-will. Letters on local topics are welcomed. All letters should be signed and a telephone number included for verification. The TRIBUNE PHONOGRAPH welcomes letters to the editor on a variety of local topics and issues. Letters endorsing or opposing candidates in statewide or national races are considered political advertising. Contact our advertising department for rates and to schedule placement. Member of:
• Courier Sentinel: 715-861-4414
• The Record-Review: 715-223-2342
• The Star News: 715-748-2626
• Tribune-Phonograph: 715-223-2342
• Tribune Record Gleaner: 715-255-8531
• Central WI Shopper: 715-223-2342
• Star News Shopper: 715-748-2626
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