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MISCELLANEOUS GET YOUR online subscription to The Record-Review, Tribune Phonograph or TRG and you won't have to wait for it to come in the mail. It's available Wednesday after 4 p.m. Go to www.centralwinews. com today to subscribe. FOR SALE CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: For ads to appear in the Central WI Shopper, the deadline is Thursdays at 1 p.m., for ads to appear in the Tribune Phonograph, The Record-Review or Tribune-Record-Gleaner, the deadline is Mondays at 4 p.m. Prepayment is required, 715-223-2342. OVER 45,000 homes will read your classified ad when it's placed in 7 area publications for only $30 (20 words or less). It will also go online at no additional charge. Call 715-223-2342, or stop in at 103 W. Spruce St., Abbotsford, to place your ad. ROBOT WELDER Dual turn table, Miller auto invision welder, $7,500. WDM 10' 4-roll pinch roll, 3/16 top support, side support, $45,000. Call for more info. Mervin, 715-223-2919.
MISCELLANEOUS GET YOUR online subscription to The Record-Review, Tribune Phonograph or TRG and you won't have to wait for it to come in the mail. It's available Wednesday after 4 p.m. Go to www.centralwinews. com today to subscribe. FOR SALE CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: For ads to appear in the Central WI Shopper, the deadline is Thursdays at 1 p.m., for ads to appear in the Tribune Phonograph, The Record-Review or Tribune-Record-Gleaner, the deadline is Mondays at 4 p.m. Prepayment is required, 715-223-2342. OVER 45,000 homes will read your classified ad when it's placed in 7 area publications for only $30 (20 words or less). It will also go online at no additional charge. Call 715-223-2342, or stop in at 103 W. Spruce St., Abbotsford, to place your ad. ROBOT WELDER Dual turn table, Miller auto invision welder, $7,500. WDM 10' 4-roll pinch roll, 3/16 top support, side support, $45,000. Call for more info. Mervin, 715-223-2919.