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The <ÂŁ^5tar N ews J.A. O'Leary is the former owner and publisher of The Star News. He was a leader in community newspapers and a technology innovator. J.A. O'Leary was a leader in bringing the American newspaper industry into the computer age. He had a vision of the future of technology in newspapers and worked tirelessly throughout his career sharing his knowledge. He died in 1997 and the staff and family have sponsored a scholarship in his memory since. Scholarship is open to a current year graduate who resides in Taylor County and is pursuing a career in journalism, communication, graphic design or computer technology. To apply, submit a one page (approx. 500 word) essay about what your community newspaper means to you along with applicant's name, mailing address, phone number, email address, high school or GED program and high school GPA. Include applicant's planned majorfield of study and the school or ^ program they will be attending. Deadline: Applications May Be... ft Mailed to The Star News _ _ Emailed to or PO Box 180, Medford, Wl 54451 El kellyschmidt@centralwinews,com
The <ÂŁ^5tar N ews J.A. O'Leary is the former owner and publisher of The Star News. He was a leader in community newspapers and a technology innovator. J.A. O'Leary was a leader in bringing the American newspaper industry into the computer age. He had a vision of the future of technology in newspapers and worked tirelessly throughout his career sharing his knowledge. He died in 1997 and the staff and family have sponsored a scholarship in his memory since. Scholarship is open to a current year graduate who resides in Taylor County and is pursuing a career in journalism, communication, graphic design or computer technology. To apply, submit a one page (approx. 500 word) essay about what your community newspaper means to you along with applicant's name, mailing address, phone number, email address, high school or GED program and high school GPA. Include applicant's planned majorfield of study and the school or ^ program they will be attending. Deadline: Applications May Be... ft Mailed to The Star News _ _ Emailed to or PO Box 180, Medford, Wl 54451 El kellyschmidt@centralwinews,com