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Findus at the end of the (or around the corner on Wisconsin Avenue) 165449 116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford, WI 54451 Local News is as Good as Gold Subscribe Today! . In Taylor County ........................ q $85/ year ................ q $50/ 6 months Elsewhere in Wisconsin ........ q $125/ year .............. q $85/ 6 months Out of Wisconsin ....................... q $150/ year .............. q $95/ 6 months Online Access Only .................. q $70/ year Online access is now included with ALL subscriptions. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone#: _________________ EmailAddress: __________________________________________ CircleOne: NEW RENEWAL Pay online at, call 715-748-2626, or mail payment to: The Star News, P.O. Box 180, Medford, WI 54451