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Remember when Russia was our enemy? Remember when Communist dictators were our foes? Remember when we believed in the NATO alliance? What has happened to our Republican Party? Where have all the sane Republicans gone? - starnews_20240919_tsn-2024-09-19-a-007_art_4.xml

Remember when Russia was our enemy? Remember when Communist dictators were our foes? Remember when we believed in the NATO alliance? What has happened to our Republican Party? Where have all the sane Republicans gone? Paid advertisement 158368 – paid for by “Who is the real RINO Project”
Remember when Russia was our enemy? Remember when Communist dictators were our foes? Remember when we believed in the NATO alliance? What has happened to our Republican Party? Where have all the sane Republicans gone? Paid advertisement 158368 – paid for by “Who is the real RINO Project”