Every week March 9 March 14 and 15 The 31st Spring Polka Jam will be held from noon-5 p.m. at the Country Aire Bar & Banquet Hall, 118600 Cty. Rd. P, Stratford. Public welcome — free admission. Call 715389-1232 for more info. The Loyal Lions Club will have a gun and knife show at the Loyal American Legion Post 175, 302 N. Union St., from 3-8 p.m. on Friday, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday. Admission is $5 and is open to the public. For more info, call 715-572-4027. The Loyal Community Food Pantry at 132 N. Main St. will be open on Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-noon, Wednesdays from 2:30-5 p.m., and Thursdays from 9 a.m.-noon. For more info, call 715-503-1071. Loyal Food Pantry is an equal opportunity provider partnering with DHS to provide USDA TEFAP Foods to our communities. March 11 March 16 March 5 and 19 The Red Hat Society of Loyal will meet at 12:30 p.m. at city hall to go to a play in Colby. RSVP to Donna L. at 715-255-8127. The Greenwood Area Food Pantry will be open from 35:30 p.m. at 302 N. Main St., Greenwood, for anyone in need of assistance. Mid-State Technical College, Marshfield, will have the 2025 Farm Tour and Wisconsin Technical College System Ag Day Celebration. There will be a free breakfast, with speakers WTCS President Laya Merrifield and Mid-State President Dr. Shelly Mondiek, beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the American Legion in Marshfield. The farm tour will be from approximately 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost for the general tour including Heeg Brothers Dairy and Romadka View Holsteins is $10; lunch and networking only (featuring Alice in Dairyland – 11:15-1:15 p.m.), $15; group rate, $7 per person. For more info, visit mstc.edu/farmtour. Registration March 16 March 6 The Republican Party of Clark County will host a Lincoln Day Dinner at the Neillsville American Legion Post 73, 6 Boon Blvd. All are welcome. Social hour is at noon, dinner at 1 p.m. Tickets are $35 before March 7, $40 at the door. Mail checks to: RPCC, PO Box 183, Neillsville, WI 54456. There will be a Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Fine Arts Night from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Loyal High School gym. Enjoy musical performances and see projects from various art, business, culinary, and tech. ed. classes. is required by March 4. March 7 and 21 March 14 March 19 The Greenwood Lions Club will hold a bingo night at the Greenwood American Legion Hall at 108 S. Main St., Greenwood. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 6:30 p.m. The Granton Pop-Up Food Pantry will be open at 21 S. Main St. From 11 a.m. to noon. No ID or proof of income required. Receive produce, dairy/meat and dry goods. You may pick up food for more than one household. For more info, call Feed My People Food Bank at 715-8359415. The Clark County Extension will be holding PAT (Private Applicator Training) from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Thorp Fire Hall. Pre-registration and pre-ordering of the manual is required at: patstore.wisc.edu/secure/home. This is for landowners who wish to spray their own crops. For more information call 715-743-5122 or clark.extension.wisc.edu/ March 14 crops-and-soils/. March 7, 14, and 28 The LuCille Tack Center for the Arts will host Switchback at 7:30 p.m. The award-winning duo will share their original brand of music blending American Roots and Celtic Soul. Tickets are $30. Call 715-659-4499 or visit lucilletackcenter. March 21 The Loyal American Legion Post 175, 302 N. Union St., will have a Lenten fish fry from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Menu includes your choice of deep fried or baked fish and/or shrimp, baked potato, French fries or Katy’s potato salad, salad bar, bun, and coffee/milk. com to purchase tickets. The Greenwood American Legion Post 238 will hold a fish fry from 4-7 p.m. at the Greenwood American Legion Hall at 108 S. Main St., Greenwood. Every week March 9 March 14 and 15 The 31st Spring Polka Jam will be held from noon-5 p.m. at the Country Aire Bar & Banquet Hall, 118600 Cty. Rd. P, Stratford. Public welcome — free admission. Call 715389-1232 for more info. The Loyal Lions Club will have a gun and knife show at the Loyal American Legion Post 175, 302 N. Union St., from 3-8 p.m. on Friday, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday. Admission is $5 and is open to the public. For more info, call 715-572-4027. The Loyal Community Food Pantry at 132 N. Main St. will be open on Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-noon, Wednesdays from 2:30-5 p.m., and Thursdays from 9 a.m.-noon. For more info, call 715-503-1071. Loyal Food Pantry is an equal opportunity provider partnering with DHS to provide USDA TEFAP Foods to our communities. March 11 March 16 March 5 and 19 The Red Hat Society of Loyal will meet at 12:30 p.m. at city hall to go to a play in Colby. RSVP to Donna L. at 715-255-8127. The Greenwood Area Food Pantry will be open from 35:30 p.m. at 302 N. Main St., Greenwood, for anyone in need of assistance. Mid-State Technical College, Marshfield, will have the 2025 Farm Tour and Wisconsin Technical College System Ag Day Celebration. There will be a free breakfast, with speakers WTCS President Laya Merrifield and Mid-State President Dr. Shelly Mondiek, beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the American Legion in Marshfield. The farm tour will be from approximately 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost for the general tour including Heeg Brothers Dairy and Romadka View Holsteins is $10; lunch and networking only (featuring Alice in Dairyland – 11:15-1:15 p.m.), $15; group rate, $7 per person. For more info, visit mstc.edu/farmtour. Registration March 16 March 6 The Republican Party of Clark County will host a Lincoln Day Dinner at the Neillsville American Legion Post 73, 6 Boon Blvd. All are welcome. Social hour is at noon, dinner at 1 p.m. Tickets are $35 before March 7, $40 at the door. Mail checks to: RPCC, PO Box 183, Neillsville, WI 54456. There will be a Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Fine Arts Night from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Loyal High School gym. Enjoy musical performances and see projects from various art, business, culinary, and tech. ed. classes. is required by March 4. March 7 and 21 March 14 March 19 The Greenwood Lions Club will hold a bingo night at the Greenwood American Legion Hall at 108 S. Main St., Greenwood. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 6:30 p.m. The Granton Pop-Up Food Pantry will be open at 21 S. Main St. From 11 a.m. to noon. No ID or proof of income required. Receive produce, dairy/meat and dry goods. You may pick up food for more than one household. For more info, call Feed My People Food Bank at 715-8359415. The Clark County Extension will be holding PAT (Private Applicator Training) from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Thorp Fire Hall. Pre-registration and pre-ordering of the manual is required at: patstore.wisc.edu/secure/home. This is for landowners who wish to spray their own crops. For more information call 715-743-5122 or clark.extension.wisc.edu/ March 14 crops-and-soils/. March 7, 14, and 28 The LuCille Tack Center for the Arts will host Switchback at 7:30 p.m. The award-winning duo will share their original brand of music blending American Roots and Celtic Soul. Tickets are $30. Call 715-659-4499 or visit lucilletackcenter. March 21 The Loyal American Legion Post 175, 302 N. Union St., will have a Lenten fish fry from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Menu includes your choice of deep fried or baked fish and/or shrimp, baked potato, French fries or Katy’s potato salad, salad bar, bun, and coffee/milk. com to purchase tickets. The Greenwood American Legion Post 238 will hold a fish fry from 4-7 p.m. at the Greenwood American Legion Hall at 108 S. Main St., Greenwood.
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• The Record-Review: 715-223-2342
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• Tribune Record Gleaner: 715-255-8531
• Central WI Shopper: 715-223-2342
• Star News Shopper: 715-748-2626
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