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SCHEDULE: PRE-REGISTER by March 21! - recordgleaner_20250305_trg-2025-03-05-0-021_art_4.xml

PRE-REGISTER by March 21! SCHEDULE: PRE-REGISTER by March 21! PRE-REGISTER by March 21! SCHEDULE: SCHEDULE: 1— VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your GRADUATION YEAR and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first game. 2— Print and complete this form. Sign and mail with a $20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Friday, April 4 7 p.m. women’s basketball 1— VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your GRADUATION YEAR and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first 2— Print and complete this form. Sign and mail with a $ 20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 Saturday, April 5 8:30 a.m. men’s basketball & women’s volleyball Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 PRE-REGISTER BY MARCH 21! 1 — VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your graduation year and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first game. 2 — Print and this form. Sign and mail with a $20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Tonia Wuethrich, W6646 W. Eaton Rd., Greenwood, WI 54437 First/last name:_______________________________ (Maiden name):_______________________________ Graduation Year:_______________________________ Email:_ _____________________________________ I understand that Greenwood High School, the Greenwood School Board members, administration, GHS Athletic Booster Club and members, referees, scorekeepers, timekeepers, tournament promoters, and directors are not responsible for any injuries that may occur before, during, or after the Greenwood High School Booster Club Alumni Tournament. (Note: Approximate start times) (Note: Approximate start times) Three Point SHOOTOUT THREE-POINT SHOOTOUT Saturday SATURDAY Three Point SHOOTOUT SATURDAY Three Point SHOOTOUT West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 SATURDAY West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 Signature______________________ Date___________ West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 West gym after first round Register at check-in $15 entry Cash payout to top two PLEASE NOTE: A $20 fine will be assessed for fighting, abusing refs., etc... to be paid at the scorer’s table before player can continue to play! Men’s basketball/Women’s volleyball — Pre-registered players will be assigned to teams. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER so appropriate teams can be formed!! Players registering after March 21 will pay $30! Women’s basketball — Pre-gister and teams will be formed Friday night before play. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Men’s basketball: Trevor Wuethrich 715-797-1779, Women’s basketball and volleyball: Jenny Hinker 715-223-5688, FOLLOW @GREENWOODATHLETICBOOSTERCLUB ON FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES!! Follow @greenwoodathleticboosterclub on FACEBOOK updates!!
PRE-REGISTER by March 21! SCHEDULE: PRE-REGISTER by March 21! PRE-REGISTER by March 21! SCHEDULE: SCHEDULE: 1— VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your GRADUATION YEAR and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first game. 2— Print and complete this form. Sign and mail with a $20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Friday, April 4 7 p.m. women’s basketball 1— VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your GRADUATION YEAR and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first 2— Print and complete this form. Sign and mail with a $ 20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 Saturday, April 5 8:30 a.m. men’s basketball & women’s volleyball Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 Tonia Wuethrich * W6646 W. Eaton Rd. * Greenwood, WI 54437 PRE-REGISTER BY MARCH 21! 1 — VENMO “GreenwoodBoosterClub” $20. Indicate in the notes your graduation year and which sport(s) you will participate in. You will be required to sign the waiver at the school before your first game. 2 — Print and this form. Sign and mail with a $20 check payable to “Greenwood Athletic Booster Club” to: Tonia Wuethrich, W6646 W. Eaton Rd., Greenwood, WI 54437 First/last name:_______________________________ (Maiden name):_______________________________ Graduation Year:_______________________________ Email:_ _____________________________________ I understand that Greenwood High School, the Greenwood School Board members, administration, GHS Athletic Booster Club and members, referees, scorekeepers, timekeepers, tournament promoters, and directors are not responsible for any injuries that may occur before, during, or after the Greenwood High School Booster Club Alumni Tournament. (Note: Approximate start times) (Note: Approximate start times) Three Point SHOOTOUT THREE-POINT SHOOTOUT Saturday SATURDAY Three Point SHOOTOUT SATURDAY Three Point SHOOTOUT West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 SATURDAY West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 Signature______________________ Date___________ West Gym after 1st Round Register at Check-In $15 Entry Cash Payout to top 2 West gym after first round Register at check-in $15 entry Cash payout to top two PLEASE NOTE: A $20 fine will be assessed for fighting, abusing refs., etc... to be paid at the scorer’s table before player can continue to play! Men’s basketball/Women’s volleyball — Pre-registered players will be assigned to teams. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER so appropriate teams can be formed!! Players registering after March 21 will pay $30! Women’s basketball — Pre-gister and teams will be formed Friday night before play. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Men’s basketball: Trevor Wuethrich 715-797-1779, Women’s basketball and volleyball: Jenny Hinker 715-223-5688, FOLLOW @GREENWOODATHLETICBOOSTERCLUB ON FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES!! Follow @greenwoodathleticboosterclub on FACEBOOK updates!!