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Publishers Kris O’Leary and Kevin Flink The Tribune Record Gleaner (TRG) was formed in 1969 .............. „..... Va|orie Brect]t by the merger of The Loyal Tribune, The Spencer Record Proofreader............. Brenda Lavengood __ . T »,„ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ____ Advertising Designer.......... Karie Schmidt and The Greenwood Gleaner. Reporter................... Cheyenne Thomas This newspaper has served the Loyal area since 1894. LETTER POLICY The TRG welcomes letters to the editor for publication on a wide variety ot topics and issues. Letters must be signed and contain the name, address and telephone number of the writer for verification purposes. Letters should be concise and may be edited for length, grammar and focus. Letters on local topics will be given first priority. Email your letters to or mall to Editor: TRG, P.O. Box 187, Loyal Wl 54446. Letters endorsing or opposing candidates in statewide or national elections are considered political advertising. Contact our advertising department at 715-223-2342 for rates and to schedule placement. PUBLICATION INFORMATION This newspaper Is published every Wednesday at 318 N. Main St., Loyal, Wl 54446. Telephone number: 715-255-8531. Fax number: 715-255-8357. E-mail address: Subscription rate yearly in Clark/Marathon County, Wis. is $85; other counties In Wisconsin, $125; and out-of-state, $150. Online Is $70/per year anywhere (All subscriptions include online access). POSTMASTER: Send change of address to TP Printing Co., P0 Box 677, Abbotsford, Wl 54405. Periodicals postage paid at Abbotsford, Wl. USPS 618-900. OUR GOAL The TRG strives to fairly and accurately report the community news of the area. We welcome comments on our content and design. Readers who have comments on any topic related to the content of this newspaper should direct them to the editor. We welcome submissions of topics for coverage. Please direct them to the editor. OPINIONS Page 2 of each edition of the TRG is devoted to expressing opinions. The opinions presented on this page are meant to represent the diversity of human thought and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. ISWNE
Publishers Kris O’Leary and Kevin Flink The Tribune Record Gleaner (TRG) was formed in 1969 .............. „..... Va|orie Brect]t by the merger of The Loyal Tribune, The Spencer Record Proofreader............. Brenda Lavengood __ . T »,„ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ____ Advertising Designer.......... Karie Schmidt and The Greenwood Gleaner. Reporter................... Cheyenne Thomas This newspaper has served the Loyal area since 1894. LETTER POLICY The TRG welcomes letters to the editor for publication on a wide variety ot topics and issues. Letters must be signed and contain the name, address and telephone number of the writer for verification purposes. Letters should be concise and may be edited for length, grammar and focus. Letters on local topics will be given first priority. Email your letters to or mall to Editor: TRG, P.O. Box 187, Loyal Wl 54446. Letters endorsing or opposing candidates in statewide or national elections are considered political advertising. Contact our advertising department at 715-223-2342 for rates and to schedule placement. PUBLICATION INFORMATION This newspaper Is published every Wednesday at 318 N. Main St., Loyal, Wl 54446. Telephone number: 715-255-8531. Fax number: 715-255-8357. E-mail address: Subscription rate yearly in Clark/Marathon County, Wis. is $85; other counties In Wisconsin, $125; and out-of-state, $150. Online Is $70/per year anywhere (All subscriptions include online access). POSTMASTER: Send change of address to TP Printing Co., P0 Box 677, Abbotsford, Wl 54405. Periodicals postage paid at Abbotsford, Wl. USPS 618-900. OUR GOAL The TRG strives to fairly and accurately report the community news of the area. We welcome comments on our content and design. Readers who have comments on any topic related to the content of this newspaper should direct them to the editor. We welcome submissions of topics for coverage. Please direct them to the editor. OPINIONS Page 2 of each edition of the TRG is devoted to expressing opinions. The opinions presented on this page are meant to represent the diversity of human thought and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. ISWNE