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157084 • wnaxlp NOTICE School District of Lake Holcombe Notice of Change in Adopted Budget Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of Wisconsin Statute 65.90(5)(a), that the School Board of Lake Holcombe, on 8/19/24, adopted the following changes to previously approved budgeted 2023-24 amounts. The following presents only adopted budget line items with changes. Unchanged line items are not presented. GENERAL FUND PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ Anticipated Revenue: Interest on Investments 280 40,000 93,000 53,000 DPI Special Project Grants-State 630 3,000 12,108 9,108 DPI Special Project Grants-Federal 730 383,172 404,062 20,890 Total Anticipated Revenue 5,714,874 5,797,872 82,998 Expenditure Appropriations: Undifferentiated Curriculum 110000 748,121 663,803 (84,318) Differentiated Curriculum 120000 917,415 909,555 (7,860) Vocational Curriculum 130000 255,088 270,641 15,553 Physical Curriculum 140000 86,604 81,604 (5,000) Co-Curricular Activities 160000 92,701 102,701 10,000 Pupil Services 210000 93,521 96,518 2,997 Instructional Staff Services 220000 268,443 287,754 19,311 General Administration 230000 307,844 310,244 2,400 Business Administration 250000 1,226,566 1,228,172 1,606 Insurance & Judgments 270000 97,220 105,520 8,300 Other Support Services 290000 167,186 182,186 15,000 Interfund Transfers 410000 592,064 690,064 98,000 Instructional Service Payments 430000 535,081 542,081 7,000 Total Expenditure Appropriations 5,714,874 5,797,872 82,998 Projected Ending Fund Balance: Projected Ending Fund Balance 930000 2,683,668 2,683,668 0 SPECIAL PROJECT FUND (FUND 21) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 145,417 145,417 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 145,417 145,417 0 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100,000 110,000 10,000 Instruction 100000 70,000 73,000 3,000 Support Services 200000 15,000 22,000 7,000 Non-Program Transactions 400000 15,000 15,000 0 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 100,000 110,000 10,000 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ Anticipated Revenue: Transfers-in 100 492,064 440,064 (52,000) State Aid - Categorical 610 190,000 205,000 15,000 DPI Special Project Grants-Federal 730 148,160 164,761 16,601 Total Anticipated Revenue 854,924 834,525 (20,399) Expenditure Appropriations: Special Education Programs 150000 568,852 523,052 (45,800) Pupil Services 210000 147,159 153,859 6,700 Business Administration 250000 3,500 4,000 500 Instructional Service Payments 430000 14,667 32,867 18,200 Total Expenditure Appropriations 854,924 834,525 (20,399) Projected Ending Fund Balance: Projected Ending Fund Balance 930000 0 0 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 46) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 300,352 300,352 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 403,352 553,352 150,000 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 103,000 253,000 150,000 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND (FUND 80) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ CHANGE $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 66,461 66,461 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 66,461 66,461 0 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 155,000 155,000 0 Support Services 200000 29,187 27,640 (1,547) Community Services 300000 125,813 127,360 1,547 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 155,000 155,000 0
157084 • wnaxlp NOTICE School District of Lake Holcombe Notice of Change in Adopted Budget Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of Wisconsin Statute 65.90(5)(a), that the School Board of Lake Holcombe, on 8/19/24, adopted the following changes to previously approved budgeted 2023-24 amounts. The following presents only adopted budget line items with changes. Unchanged line items are not presented. GENERAL FUND PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ Anticipated Revenue: Interest on Investments 280 40,000 93,000 53,000 DPI Special Project Grants-State 630 3,000 12,108 9,108 DPI Special Project Grants-Federal 730 383,172 404,062 20,890 Total Anticipated Revenue 5,714,874 5,797,872 82,998 Expenditure Appropriations: Undifferentiated Curriculum 110000 748,121 663,803 (84,318) Differentiated Curriculum 120000 917,415 909,555 (7,860) Vocational Curriculum 130000 255,088 270,641 15,553 Physical Curriculum 140000 86,604 81,604 (5,000) Co-Curricular Activities 160000 92,701 102,701 10,000 Pupil Services 210000 93,521 96,518 2,997 Instructional Staff Services 220000 268,443 287,754 19,311 General Administration 230000 307,844 310,244 2,400 Business Administration 250000 1,226,566 1,228,172 1,606 Insurance & Judgments 270000 97,220 105,520 8,300 Other Support Services 290000 167,186 182,186 15,000 Interfund Transfers 410000 592,064 690,064 98,000 Instructional Service Payments 430000 535,081 542,081 7,000 Total Expenditure Appropriations 5,714,874 5,797,872 82,998 Projected Ending Fund Balance: Projected Ending Fund Balance 930000 2,683,668 2,683,668 0 SPECIAL PROJECT FUND (FUND 21) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 145,417 145,417 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 145,417 145,417 0 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100,000 110,000 10,000 Instruction 100000 70,000 73,000 3,000 Support Services 200000 15,000 22,000 7,000 Non-Program Transactions 400000 15,000 15,000 0 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 100,000 110,000 10,000 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ Anticipated Revenue: Transfers-in 100 492,064 440,064 (52,000) State Aid - Categorical 610 190,000 205,000 15,000 DPI Special Project Grants-Federal 730 148,160 164,761 16,601 Total Anticipated Revenue 854,924 834,525 (20,399) Expenditure Appropriations: Special Education Programs 150000 568,852 523,052 (45,800) Pupil Services 210000 147,159 153,859 6,700 Business Administration 250000 3,500 4,000 500 Instructional Service Payments 430000 14,667 32,867 18,200 Total Expenditure Appropriations 854,924 834,525 (20,399) Projected Ending Fund Balance: Projected Ending Fund Balance 930000 0 0 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 46) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE CHANGE $ 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 300,352 300,352 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 403,352 553,352 150,000 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 103,000 253,000 150,000 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND (FUND 80) PREVIOUS APPROVED AMOUNT $ AMENDED APPROVED AMOUNT $ CHANGE $ LINE ITEM ACCOUNT CODE 900 000 Beginning Fund Balance 66,461 66,461 0 900 000 Ending Fund Balance 66,461 66,461 0 REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 155,000 155,000 0 Support Services 200000 29,187 27,640 (1,547) Community Services 300000 125,813 127,360 1,547 TOTAL EXPENDTURES & OTHER FINANCING USES 155,000 155,000 0