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update; 8.2 Update on the Town Improvement Fund; 8.3 Permit process for exemptions on Class B roads; 8.4 Gravel bids; 8.5 Election update and improvements needed; 8.6 Record management process; 9. Correspondence and mail; 10. Pay bills, as presented; 11. Adjournment Donna Shifflett, clerk/treasurer 146819_3 • wnaxlp NOTICE City of Cornell Notice is hereby given, that application has been filed with the City of Cornell for: Class A Beer and Class A Liquor License by: CAPL Retail LLC, Sheila Pagenkopf, agent, for premises located at 713 Bridge St. – Express Lane. David DeJongh,
update; 8.2 Update on the Town Improvement Fund; 8.3 Permit process for exemptions on Class B roads; 8.4 Gravel bids; 8.5 Election update and improvements needed; 8.6 Record management process; 9. Correspondence and mail; 10. Pay bills, as presented; 11. Adjournment Donna Shifflett, clerk/treasurer 146819_3 • wnaxlp NOTICE City of Cornell Notice is hereby given, that application has been filed with the City of Cornell for: Class A Beer and Class A Liquor License by: CAPL Retail LLC, Sheila Pagenkopf, agent, for premises located at 713 Bridge St. – Express Lane. David DeJongh,
3-POINT WALCO ATTACHMENTS _______. __ _.____ ______ __ ___.___ !___'#$ ______ _ _____ ___ ____ % _!& _' _(___'#$ _____ !___