Send Stratford news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 MAREA meets
The Marshfield Area Retired Educator’s Assocition (MAREA) held its meeting on Dec. 20. The meeting was called to order by president Cindee Loos, with 19 members in attendance at Country Aire.
Following the Pledge to the Flag, the Nov. 15 minutes were approved. The treasurer’s report was placed on file.
Correspondence included a thank you note from the Mary Luchterhand family, a thank you note for a $238 donation to the WREA Foundation and a scholarship recipient thank you note to MAREA.
Directory corrections were noted and members will receive a copy online. Committee reports were read. In community action, Cheryl Eckert reported the Stratford Food Pantry will be the recipient of the January donations. Carol Ballerstein will deliver the donations.
Under health issues, Kathleen Hasenohrl reminded members to get their COVID-19 booster vaccine. Doreen Schultz alerted members to a recent AARP article regarding hand exercises. In Pension, Carol Subera reported on Social Security and pension increases and the Medicare deduction increase.
In public relations, Carol Ballerstein reported on MAREA homebound members who received a visit or Christmas card from the organization, and she thanked the members who fulfilled this assignment.
A moment of silence took place for members who died in 2021. Under volunteer hours, members are to continue logging these hours. In WREA Foundation, Dorothy Dietsche reminded members the Foundation donation box will be circulated at the January 2022 meeting. Under education committee, a volunteer is needed to head this committee.
In new business, Carol Ballerstein was thanked for bringing treats and serving as meeting greeter. The December birthday was recognized.
The meeting adjourned to a Christmas program. Carol Ballerstein led a Christmas word search and trivia Christmas questions, followed by a game led by Elaine Haas. Game prizes were awarded.
Ruby Pinter read and acted out a humorous story. The program concluded with singing of Christmas carols led by Ruby Pinter and Elaine Haas, accompanied by Grace Dietel-Ensign on the accordian.
Donation drive
Cathy Scholl Zygarlicke of Rozellville is in charge of a donation supply drive to help tornado victims in Bowling Green, Ky.
She is asking people to donate Bibles, water, animal supplies and children’s Christmas gifts at dropoff points located at Francs Gym on Stewart Avenue in Wausau and Faith Fellowship Church on Upham Street in Marshfield.
People can make a monetary donation to help the families and animals involved in the Bowling Green, Ky., tornado by vitsing the HillVue Heights Church website at www.hillvue. com. Hillvue Heights Church is in Bowling Green, Ky.
A semitrailer will be loaded with donated supplies on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, and it will leave central Wisconsin the next day for Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Scholl Zygarlicke made some great friends while attending college there to become a chiropractor.
Fitness center hours
The Stratford High School fitness center is open from 4:30 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. on Monday thru Sunday, but the fitness center is closed from 12:30-1:30 p.m. each weekday for cleaning; it’s not closed an hour on Saturdays and Sundays for cleaning.
Stratford School District residents need to visit the high school office to get their keyfob updated before they’ll be able to gain access into the fitness center.