Wisconsin credit unions report sound year-end performance
Wisconsin’s state-chartered credit unions reported sound financial performance through year-end 2024, according to data released today by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI). As of December 31, 2024, there were 104 state-chartered credit unions, three federal credit unions, and a corporate credit union serving Wisconsin residents.
At year-end 2024, total assets for Wisconsin’s statechartered credit unions rose to $66.0 billion. This is an increase of $1.9 billion since year-end 2023. Over the same time, loans outstanding grew by almost $1.25 billion, and shares and deposits rose $1.8 billion. This resulted in a decrease to the loan-to-share ratio to 91.60% from 92.40% at year-end 2023.
In the 12 months ending on December 31, 2024:
• Net worth to assets increased to 10.67%;
• Delinquent loan to total loan ratio was 0.78%, a decrease from the year-end 2023 ratio of 0.79%;
• Net income was strong at over $360.0 million, 0.55% return on average assets compared to 0.68% in 2023; and
• Growth ratios were all positive. “Wisconsin’s state-chartered credit unions have reported sound financial performance with continuing net worth growth and positive growth ratios through the end of 2024,” said DFI Office of Credit Unions Director Thomas Theune. “While the return on average assets ratio continues to decline, the state’s credit unions continue to show positive earnings which is proof of how well managed these institutions are. These results show that Wisconsin’s state-chartered credit unions continue to be a source of stability for their credit union members and communities.”