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From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago

March 17, 1900

If any of you city folks have any fast horses bring them out to the Dale. We have got a few our selves and would like to trot you a heat. Mr. Chas. Beebe Sr., the owner of Vick, goes in 2-47; R.J. Redmond, the owner of Silver Tip, goes in 2-30. A. Resick, the owner of Night Hawk goes in less than 3 minutes-how much less we do not known because we never get the see him go. He drives nights.

100 Years Ago March 12, 1925 3 Taylor County Men Sentenced at Superior

Three Taylor County men were given sentences in federal court at Superior last night for violation of the federal prohibition laws. All three pleaded guilty to moonshine charges.

These are the northwestern Taylor County cases on which the federal men served the warrants about the time that Jump River Kelly was killed.

75 Years Ago March 16, 1950 Council Buys Truck; Grants Land Lease

During a special meeting Tuesday evening, the Medford city council purchased a new Dodge truck from the Strebig Auto Co., and granted a land lease to Al. Wrede and Jack Knippel.

With the exception of Art Salzwedel, all members were present for the session.

At the regular meeting March 7, six sealed bids for furnishing a new truck were opened and then final action was deferred to permit the councilmen more time in which to study the offers.

50 Years Ago

March 13, 1975 Gilman Lions Plan Continued Work on Park for Elderly

Members of the Gilman Lions club board of directors have decided that their Senior Citizens Park project on Chequamegon Waters flowage will get number one priority this summer. The board met Thursday, March 4, at State Bank of Gilman.

Initial work will be the hauling of fill onto the park site on the shores of the florwage in order to enlarge the area.

25 Years Ago

March 15, 2000 100th birthday

A party celebrating Lea Budimlija’s 100th birthday was held on March 5 at Rib Lake Health Care Center. Her children Jack, Duke, and Inez and their families, along with friends, joined in the celebration.

10 Years Ago March 12, 2015 Underwood shares lessons on success

Life of an Athlete program focuses on healthy living, hard work as key to excellence On average it takes 10,000 hours of hard work to go from being a novice to being an elite for any activity.

For the truly dedicated, this can be done in four years. For most people, the best why could hope for is to take 10 years, provided they don’t rush away their gains by making poor choices regarding sleep, alcohol or drug use.

That was one of the lessons shared by Olympic and Navy Seal trainer John Underwood during this talks in the Medford area March 9-10. While Underwood’s Life of an Athlete program is targeted toward high performing athletes, the lessons he shared of making good choices applied to all areas of life.