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From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago

March 3, 1900 The Masquerade.

There was fun, oceans of fun at the grand masquerade ball given under the auspices of the Central Verband at Germania hall last Monday evening and in the neighborhood of four hundred happy people participated in the foolish festivities. In an early hour the maskers and spectators commenced to arrive and before 9 o’clock the large hall was crowded to that extent that it was difficult to keep the dancing floor space clear for the merry-makers. There were many rich and magnificent costumes as well as the usual number of ridiculous makeups.

100 Years Ago February 26, 1925 Hog Men Plan Full Car Bacon Hogs This Fall

Hog men of this community have enthusiastically taken up the plan to raise hogs for the fancy bacon market. They expect to have a full carload of the Yorkshire bacon type hogs for shipment to Cudahy this fall.

The hog raisers organized as “The Yorkshire Breeders” Friday and met again at the courthouse Tuesday in company with bankers, who are ready to back the plan financially. The children also are to have a part in campaign for better hogs and are to be offered a way of their own to finance a start in pigs.

75 Years Ago

March 3, 1950 106 MHS Students Complete Driver Education Course

106 students in Medford high school have just completed a classroom course in Driver Education, Supt. Orvus Dodsworth has announced.

50 Years Ago February 27, 1975 Free Shopping Winner Takes Market Tour

Herman Schubert, Medford, route 1, winner of the two-minute shopping spree sponsored by the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce, dumped $41.73 worth of supermarket goods into a shopping cart Saturday night.

25 Years Ago

March 1, 2000

The Star News is moving to new day In celebration of its 125th anniversary, The Star News is moving - publication dates, that is. Starting April 1, The Star News will move its publication date from Wednesdays to Thursdays.

10 Years Ago February 26, 2015 County budget situation could get worse

Despite carving out nearly $400,000 in savings, county may get pinched by the state Things could get far worse before they get better when it comes to the county’s 2016 budget.

That was the warning to members of the Taylor County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday. Finance committee chairman Chuck gave a report on the proposed revenue additions and spending cuts that were the result of the recent finance and personnel committee hearings.

Zenner identified about $396,000 in proposed budget changes for 2016 which would help the county’s bottom line. Those proposed changes included $100,000 in new revenue from the sheriff’s department through housing inmates from Marathon County, $25,000 in savings on debt service from refinancing to a lower interest rate, $62,000 in cuts from the UW extension through not filling a support position, $150,000 in cuts from the highway department, $1,000 from the historical society, $1,000 from the fair, $20,000 from the airport, $20,000 from information technology and $17,000 in savings from the reorganization of the land conservation department.