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New baiting and feeding ban for Clark County effective March 1

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was recently notified by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) that a farm-raised deer on a deer farm in Eau Claire County tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD).

This positive result is within 10 miles of the border of both Clark and Jackson counties, resulting in a new baiting and feeding ban to go into effect in Clark County on Saturday, March 1.

State law requires that the DNR enact a three-year baiting and feeding ban in counties where CWD has been detected and a two-year ban in adjoining counties within 10 miles of a CWD detection. If additional CWD cases are found during the lifetime of a baiting and feeding ban, the ban will renew for an additional two or three years.

This detection will cause a two-year baiting and feeding ban on March 1 in Clark County. Eau Claire and Jackson counties already have baiting and feeding bans in place from recent wild detections within each county. These counties will not be impacted by this detection, as the existing bans are longer than the two-year ban that would otherwise result from this detection.

Baiting or feeding deer encourages them to congregate unnaturally around a shared food source where infected deer can spread CWD through direct contact with healthy deer or by leaving behind infectious prions in their saliva, blood, feces and urine.

More information regarding baiting and feeding regulations is available on the DNR’s baiting and feeding webpage,

More general information about CWD can be found on the DNR’s CWD webpage, topic/wildlifehabitat/cwd.