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Court orders probation as part of plea deal for sex offender

A 20-year-old Medford man will receive probation as part of a plea agreement for sexual assault and theft charges.

Tucker Halopka, 20, of Medford, was in Taylor County Circuit Court to answer for nine counts of criminal activity including: second degree sexual assault of a child; first degree child sex assault - sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person under age of 13; fourth degree sexual assault; theft of moveable property as a party to a crime; and five counts of theft of movable property <=$2,500 as a party to a crime. All the charges stem from violations that occurred in August and November of 2022.

Halopka was found guilty due to a no contest plea for fourth degree sexual assault and two of the theft of moveable property <=$2,500 as a party to a crime counts. A deferred entry of judgement was made on the first degree child sex assault charge. The court dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes the remaining charges.

For the theft charges, court withholds sentence and places Halopka on probation for a period of 18 months. Conditions of probation are to do 40 hours total of uncompensated community service, pay court costs on each count, provide a DNA sample and pay the surcharge on each count, restitution (which has been paid in full), DE shall have no contact with R.L.S., S.A.S., A.M.H., K.L.Z., K.A.W., T.A.B., K.M.T., C.I.N., P.A.Z., and D.J.N. He shall write a letter of apology to the victims due within 30 days and to be preapproved by the probation agent, and attend counseling as deemed appropriate by the probation agent.

For the child sex offense, court accepts the deferred entry of judgement (DEJ) and holds the charge open for a period of 3 years. Along with the standard conditions of the DEJ, defendant shall successfully complete the probation ordered in count 2 and have no contact with the victims. For the second sexual assault count, court withholds sentence and places Halopka on probation for a period of 18 months. Conditions of probation are to pay the court costs, provide a DNA sample and pay the surcharge, defendant shall have no contact with the victims, and attend counseling as deemed appropriate by the probation agent.

In all three misdemeanor charges, court finds that Halopka is eligible for expunction if he successfully completes probation and the conditions. He would have to petition the court for expunction. All costs are to be paid directly to the Taylor County Clerk of Courts office in the amount of $100 a month beginning April 1.

Found guilty

Jennifer Aldinger, 50, of Medford, was found guilty due to a guilty plea of OWI (1st) and possession of THC. Charges for possession of drug paraphernalia and having a cracked/broken lenses/reflectors were dismissed on prosecutor’s motion. For the OWI charge, the court ordered a fine in the amount of $936.50, blood draw reimbursement of $33, 6-month driver's license revocation retroactive to any administrative suspension, AODA and 6 points assessed against defendant’s license. On the possession charge, court orders a withheld sentence and places the defendant on probation for a period of one year. Conditions of probation include payment of court costs, DNA sample and surcharge fee, AODA and follow through with all treatment recommendations, counseling as deemed necessary by the agent. A payment plan of $50/month was set up starting on March 14, 2025.

Merlo Francisco Antonio, 48, of Rib Lake, was found guilty due to a guilty plea of OWI (2nd). Charges of operating with PAC (2nd) and operating while revoked (revoked due to alcohol/controlled substances/ refusal) were dismissed. Court ordered orders a straight sentence consisting of the defendant paying $1,555, reimburse $33 for the blood draw, provide a DNA sample, 15 month driver's license revocation, ignition interlock devices for 12 months, AODA, 35 days in the county jail with Huber privileges and good time. Defendant has one day of sentence credit. Jail shall begin no later than April 1, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. All costs are to be paid directly to the Taylor County Clerk of Courts office in the amount of $75 a month beginning April 1.

Summer Hayward, 18, of Manitowoc, was found guilty due to no contest pleas of truancy 1st and truancy 2nd. Court ordered Hayward to pay $464.

Gary Hoff, 60, of Gilman, was found guilty at a court trial of illegal enlargement of a waterway and was ordered to pay $1,397.50.

Joshua Marzofka, 23, of Boyceville, was found guilty due to a guilty plea of an amended charge of operation without a valid license, amended from operating while revoked (revoked due to alcohol/controlled substance/refusal) and was ordered to pay $267.50.

Brandon Miller, 32, of Withee, was found guilty due to no contest pleas of disorderly conduct - domestic abuse, and an amended charge of disorderly conduct as an ordinance violation, amended from misdemeanor disorderly conduct. A charge of misdemeanor bail jumping was dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes. Court withholds sentence and places Miller on probation for a period of 1 year. Conditions of probation are to pay the court costs, provide a DNA sample and pay the surcharge, write a letter of apology to the victim due within 30 days and to be preapproved by the probation agent, AODA and follow through with any treatment recommendations, counseling as deemed appropriate by the probation agent, Miller shall obtain his high school diploma or equivalency at the probation agents discretion. Miller gets one day of sentence credit on each case. Court orders Miller to pay a total of $873.50 with a payment plan of $50 per month beginning April 1.

Winston Sapinski, 23, of Medford, was found guilty due to a no contest plea of operating an ATV or UTV while intoxicated. A charge of operating an ATV or UTV with a PAC (1st) was dismissed. Court orders defendant to pay $485.50, and undergo an AODA assessment.

John Stroinski, 58, of Thorp, was found guilty at a court trial of illegal enlargement of a waterway and was ordered to pay $1,397.59.

Zudi Vaidi, 50, of Medford, was found guilty due to no contest pleas of possession of open intoxicants in motor vehicle - driver; failure to properly maintain tires and rims; operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; OWI (1st); and an amended charge of misdemeanor bail jumping amended from felony bail jumping. He was found guilty due to a guilty plea of operating while revoked (revoked due to alcohol/controlled substance/refusal). He was found guilty due to a guilty plea of an amended charge of resisting or obstructing an officer, amended from battery or threat to judge, prosecutor or law enforcement officer. Charges of operating with a PAC >= .08 and <=.15 (1st) and two counts of felony bail jumping were dismissed. Court orders a $100 fine plus court costs on each of the three counts, and provide a DNA sample and pay the surcharge fee on each of the three counts, and on the operating after revocation, there are three demerit points assessed against his driver's license. Total due is $1,737. Defendant shall set up a payment plan with the Clerk of Courts office to pay $100/month starting on February 21 and the 21st of each month thereafter.

Pleas entered

Richard Noziska, 60, of Westboro, pled not guilty to battery - domestic abuse. A status hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. on March 31.

Brandon Phelps, 20, of Marshfield, pled not guilty to taking and driving a vehicle without consent, two counts of felony bail jumping, and operating without a valid license (second within three years). A status hearing is scheduled for 9:45 a.m. on March 17.

Hanna Rohland, 35, of Medford, pled not guilty to battery - domestic abuse. A pretrial conference is scheduled for 2 p.m. on April 2.

Alexander Schmidt, 47, of Withee, pled not guilty to contact after domestic abuse arrest. A status hearing is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. on March 31.

Kenney Tommie, 48, of Medford, pled not guilty to battery - domestic abuse. A status hearing is scheduled for 1:15 p.m. on April 7.


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Andre Vongunten, 33, of Gilman, pled not guilty to disorderly conduct - domestic abuse and misdemeanor bail jumping. A status hearing is scheduled for 3:45 p.m. on March 19.

Deferred entry of Judgement

A deferred entry of judgement agreement was approved for Brock Hoernke, 42, of Medford, who pled no contest to battery-domestic abuse. Court accepts the DEJ agreement and holds the case open for one year. Along with standard conditions of the DEJ Hoernke shall have no contact with the victim, shall write a letter of apology to the victim within 30 days that shall be preapproved by the victim witness coordinator, Hoernke must complete counseling with a provider of his choice to address anger management and provide proof no later than 6 months from the hearing. Court will also modify bond to allow Hoernke to leave the state of Wisconsin.

A deferred entry of judgment agreement was approved for Harley-Danielle PO Mabie, 29, of Medford, for one count of interfering with child custody - other parent, a second count of the same offense was dismissed but read in for sentence purposes. Court accepts the DEJ agreement and holds the charge open for two years. In addition to the standard conditions, defendant shall not leave the State of Wisconsin with any of her children unless she has written consent from the child's other parent. Defendant shall attend parenting classes to learn co-parenting techniques and provide proof of compliance to the DA's office within 6 months of the trial date. Defendant shall attend counseling with a provider of her choice to address AODA, mental health and codependency issues. Proof of compliance must be provided to the DA's office every six months until the provider feels no further counseling is necessary.