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Vox Pop - Kulinski reminds readers of history lessons on Russia when it comes to global aggression

Kulinski reminds readers of history lessons on Russia when it comes to global aggression
On Feb. 17, the Medford Area Development Foundation and Scott Jensen of Central Wisconsin Home Sales partnered up to offer Medford business and civic leaders the opportunity to tour two new Midcountry Homes units that he was placing in the county. The city of Medford is looking at opening the door to allow greater flexibility in the placement of manufactured homes in residential districts. The tour gave local leaders the opportunity to do a walk through of this housing option. SUBMITTED
Kulinski reminds readers of history lessons on Russia when it comes to global aggression
On Feb. 17, the Medford Area Development Foundation and Scott Jensen of Central Wisconsin Home Sales partnered up to offer Medford business and civic leaders the opportunity to tour two new Midcountry Homes units that he was placing in the county. The city of Medford is looking at opening the door to allow greater flexibility in the placement of manufactured homes in residential districts. The tour gave local leaders the opportunity to do a walk through of this housing option. SUBMITTED

Vox Pop

Little Vladimir claimed Ukranians were his brothers ( yet he is slaughtering them like Cain slew Abel ).

God is Angry! His claimed Russian imperialistic desires were moot from the get go. Claiming that Russians felt threatened by NATO encirclement!

How big was Russia before Putin's separatist / covert operators invaded Georgia's state of Osetia / Abkahzia and carved it off that state and annexed it ( supposedly independent ). None of the major leaders condemned him to redress!

How much land from independent small republics will satisfy his greed?

In the precursor to the present invasion of Ukraine, Putin sent in his military to prop up his puppet in Kazakhstan.

Russia — with all those nukes — Russia feels threatened by peaceful nations who would buy their oil, coal production etc.?

Next was, the sending of covert operators into Eastern Ukraine after the Ukranians ousted his puppet Janukovich. ( the Ukranians smelled a rat )!

Putin had his Navy parked in Crimean ports with an agreement to pay rent to the Ukranians after the collapse of the USSR. He tired of paying rent and used that pretext to deploy covert operators to destabilize and break off Crimea and add it to his empirical dreams and no one redressed him for that either. He has been paying and funding covert operators in the Donbas / Luhansk region supporting the supposed separatists since before 2014!

These were the warning signs to the world. World leaders did nothing! He also had his fingers meddling in Syria and Africa with his underling Prigohzin. False flag propaganda by the former head of the ( KGB ) and unchecked incursions into Ukraine since 2014 have led to this debacle the world faces today.

Xi Jinping and the CCP made commitments jointly with Russia in advance of Putin's invasion to offset any sanctions of the free world. The CCP is complicit along with Iran and North Korea, they have blood on their hands in the current war.

Lest the World forget! In 1939 The Molotov Ribbentrop alliance between Hitler and Stalin gave Hitler the courage to invade Poland, a free and sovereign nation, by false pretext on September 1 in 1939 to start WWII. Stalin waited two weeks and invaded Poland on September 17.

The previous, since 2008 administrations in DC along with the rest of the free world leadership are the Lord Chamberlains of the world today.

My father who survived WWII being interned at the Camp in Gera always told me, 'No matter the cost, it is always easier to put a fire out when it starts.

It will only cost more later.” ( so what have we got today? ) the fire is raging!

I would also like to provide you with feed back sent to me on February 26, 2022 ( 1/2 hour ) after I forwarded my letter to the editor from my friend Rick who served his career in Naval intelligence.

In this take over of the Ukraine Rick wrote. 'Putin gains control of Ukraine's 13 remaining seaports. These ports handle 260 million tons of cargo and 4 million TEU's ( 20 foot long container equivalent units ) that are directly connected to rail and ferry transportation networks, creating one of the worlds international shipping nodes. Putin could possibly leverage the world by controlling their critical import products.

Putin has clearly stated that he wants to return Russia to the influential position of the past USSR. I assume with him at the helm. All to massage his grandiose selfimage and to salvage his ratings from the destruction he has created in the economy and his handling of the Covid pandemic He just might be able to pull this off. He has spent years in preparation and appeasement to the rest of the world so they may feel comfortable, neglecting their militaries and security systems.'

The first piece of the puzzle, was the break away piece of Georgia's Abkahzia with its deep water seaport in 2008!

My Grandfather Karol Kulinski was killed by the Communists in 1943. In preparation of Stalin's take over of Poland. Thousands of Polish intellectuals along with educators, Administrators and military officers were massacred at the Katyn forest near Smolensk.

Then came the murders of general Sikorski and Patton who would not have allowed the complete capitulation to the communist factions to rule over the occupied by force European Nations.

Were these murders orchestrated by the communists? or did our CIA have their dirty little fingers in it too?

My grandmother, Julia Bak survived a revolution prior to WWI, WWI and WWII. She always told me “never trust a Russian!”

— Chris Kulinski, Withee