Vox Pop - Goodbye Social Security
Vox Pop
They say about one third of the nation’s economy is based on government spending. Most revenue for government spending comes from the collection of taxes. When the economy is growing, consumers earn more and make more purchases.
This increases business profits and boosts sales and corporate income tax revenue. Yes, people willingly and unwillingly, I imagine, participate in the economy by providing labor while working, paying taxes to the government, and buying goods and services. Is it all fair and equal, ask a poor person and a rich one. Anyway, we have a tax system funding a lot (our lives).
But Trump says eliminate all federal taxes, cut state taxes. Do you realize by cutting off taxes, it means no Social Security, no Medicare and Medicaid, no military, no financial assistance for anyone, no court of law, no police, no firefighters, no public roads, no public schools, no public universities, etc. etc. It’s a long list of you working in the coming future for nothing, if you were to abolish our tax system. His thinking on replacing our tax system with tariffs is probably wrong. Throughout documented history it has been very clear that the greater the tariffs and trade restrictions, the less trade you have, the worse off economies become. Trump knows this, he’s playing with peoples’ minds and money.
Trump is a resentful old man that could care less that kids trust adults to solve problems. He enjoys scrambling peoples’ brains with incoherent rambling, and moves on, his supporters call it leading, I call it trapped in his decaying system of values for America. Also, humans have borders, that’s definitely a sign of misgivings, but it is what it is, so if you are here illegally, turn yourself in please, because the last thing you want is living next to Trump.
P.S. Goodbye Social Security, so-long Medicare.
- M. Clendenning, Rib Lake
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