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From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago

February 10, 1900 Wreck at Abbotsford.

While a Wisconsin Central freight train was pulling in from the south Monday morning the yard men sent it into the wrong track, on which was a train and crew. The conductor and two brakemen were asleep in the caboose when the engine struck it, telescoping the caboose from one end to the other. How the men escaped with their lives is almost miraculous. The two brakemen were badly burned and the conductor badly cut with fling splinters. The engine, one of the large ones, was derailed and ran through a section of the platform into the ditch, and is bad damaged, but the engineer and fireman escaped with slight injuries.

100 Years Ago

February 5, 1925 Largest Crowd Ever at Annual Creamery Meeting Re-elects All Directors; Favors Market Assn.

The largest crowd which ever attended a meeting of the Medford Co-operative Creamery Company was out Sunday. The fine day brought the shareholders and other patrons out in full force. The seating capacity of the creamery auditorium was filled to overflowing long before noon, and soon the standing room was all taken by the dairymen and their wives and friends.

75 Years Ago February 9, 1950 Women Will Curl Again This Weekend

Ice conditions permitting, the recently organized women’s curling rinks are scheduled to curl for the second time this weekend, on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Saturday evening.

Mrs. Edgar Oleson, president of the 10-rink league, has asked that all of the lady curlers meet at the rink house at 7:00 o’clock tomorrow evening to discuss a schedule for the remainder of the season and to settle several other important details.

50 Years Ago

February 6, 1975 Sports Area To Be Subject Of New Documentary Film

The Perkinstown Winter Sports area has been picked by C. L. Venard Corp., Chicago film maker, for a documentary film.

In making the announcement Tuesday, Ken Brager, adviser of the Gilman high school FFA which operates the area, said the color movie will be an innovation in vocational agriculture courses.

25 Years Ago February 9, 2000 Mayer is TV Lottery Money Game winner

Randy Mayer of Stetsonville won $4,200 as a finalist in a recent appearance on the Wisconsin Lottery Money Game television show. He purchased his winning Seal the Deal ticket at the Medford County Market.

10 Years Ago February 5, 2015 Medford schools gear up for testing rules

This has been the year of testing in Wisconsin public schools and the peak will come on Tuesday, March 3 as all 64,000 high school juniors in the state of Wisconsin will take the ACT on the same day. This is the first year for the required test in Wisconsin. The test replaces the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam (WKCE).

The ACT organization has administered this test and others for more than 50 years and has established a series of protocols through the years to provide the best test environment.